A SCORM activity is an online presentation. It is a more interactive and aesthetically pleasing way to deliver learning content to a student.
SCORM activities are generally accompanied by other assessment tasks, for example following completion of the SCORM having a student complete a Vasto online exam, submit an assignment or attend a practical assessment to further ascertain they have developed the required knowledge and skills.
SCORM Fundamentals
- Vasto only supports SCORM files which are Version 1.2 Compliant
- As Vasto has no control over the authoring of SCORM packages, should issues arise with the authoring, you will need to be refer to whomever created said SCORM package for support
- SCORM will not show a student's progress - the three possible status options are;
- New, 0% complete
- In Progress, 0% complete
- Complete, 100% complete
(this does not necessarily mean the student achieved 100%, it simply means that the student has completed and achieved the pre-set passing grade built into the SCORM package itself)
How To Set Up a SCORM Activity
- Follow steps 1 - 4 as outlined on the create an activity help page
- Link or upload resources (optional). This may include downloadable copy of the slides or other documents.
Before you have saved the activity, you have the opportunity to provide external links
Once the activity has been saved, you will instead have the opportunity to attach files
- Provide instructions in the notes tab (optional).
The notes tab allows you to populate instructions which are visible in the student portal.
There is already default instructions to the student when they open a SCORM activity, pictured below. If you utilise notes to provide an additional custom message to your students, this would feature just above the default instructions as outlined in green.
- Configure the SCORM tab. Under this tab you can upload the SCORM package, record details about the SCORM package and find additional settings
Upload a SCORM file
Click on the button to upload new SCORM package and locate the SCORM zip file select this to upload. Please note as outlined earlier it MUST be Version 1.2 compliant
Record Metadata for the SCORM file(Optional) You can record further details such as
the authors name - name of person or company who has written and created this SCORM file
the date and version - date created and release version
custom introduction message - text displayed to studentLock Settings
If your SCORM package is not assessable and is providing information / reading materials only, you can choose to have it remain unlocked once it is completed, so students can refer back to it at any point.
- Save your changes
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