Process: How to Set-Up the USI (Unique Student Identifier) Web Services Integration

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  What is a Unique Student Identifier (USI)?

In Australia, a unique student identifier (USI) is a reference number unique to each student. The Australian Government introduced the USI system in 2015, which is managed by the Department of Education and Training. 

The USI links an individual's student records across different educational institutions and providers. It enables students to access their academic records and transcripts online from a single location, making it easier to share their educational achievements with potential employers, other educational institutions, or government agencies.

All students undertaking nationally recognised vocational education and training (VET) in Australia must have a USI. This includes students enrolled in certificate, diploma, or advanced diploma courses and apprentices and trainees. Students who are still at school and studying VET courses are also required to have a USI.

The USI is a 10-digit alphanumeric code students create using their personal information and identification documents, such as a driver's license or passport. Once a USI is created, it remains with the student for life and can be used to access their educational records at any time.

For more information, please visit the Australian Government's website on Unique Student Identifiers (USIs).


Step 1 - Request System Access

Complete the System Access Request form. Please allow five (5) business days for your request to be actioned by and to receive an email response.

Ensure you select both the USI Website and Web Services options. 


Step 2 - Set Up myGovID/RAM

To successfully configure your system to access USI functionality, external government websites must be visited and some processes completed.

The initial steps for an RTO include registering a myGovID and linking the business within the Relationship Authorisation Manager - this will provide you with the resources needed to integrate your system with USI.

  • The myGovID is a digital identity service that allows users to sign in securely and access government online services. It is accessed via a smartphone or tablet when logging into a website.
  • The Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM) is a government website that allows you to set up and manage relationships and authorisations across online government services.

To successfully link a business within the RAM website, the Principal Authority of the business will likely need to access the website and complete the process. The principal authority is the person responsible for the business, such as the company director.

Follow these steps to set up your RAM Notification:

  1. Log in to the Relationship Authorisation Manager (RAM).
  2. Click 'View or Manage Authorisations, Machine Credentials and Cloud Software Notifications'.
  3. Manage Authorisations Window - Select the business that requires the Notification set-up. 
  4. Manage Notifications Window - Select 'Manage Notifications' from the list of menu options.
  5. Click 'Add Notification'. 
  6. Enter Vasto's ABN: 32162160214. Click the Magnifying Glass icon. 
  7. Confirm that Vasto's Name and ABN appear in the box below and click, Continue.
  8. Enter your 'Software ID', which can be found in the Vasto Admin Portal under Set-UpMy Account. Scroll to the bottom of the page and look for the number labelled, 'Vasto Educator Software ID (for RAM)'. Then, enter today's date as the 'Start Date' and leave the 'No End Date' box as checked. Click, Continue
  9. Check the 'Agency Required' box. Currently, this is only available for the Office of the Student Identifiers Register and click, Continue
  10. Review the information provided as a summary to ensure it is correct before checking the Declaration box. Once confirmed, click Submit
  11. The new notification will now be listed on the Manage Notifications screen, confirming that you have completed the above steps. You can remove or edit the Notification as required. 


Step 3 - Activate the Link between RAM and Vasto

Once you have completed Steps 1 and 2, log in to the Vasto Admin Portal. Go to, Set-UpMy AccountUSI (Unique Student Identifier) Web Services Integration

Check the 'I have completed my RAM notification for USI Web Services' box and click, Save.

  Please note only the Tier 1 Primary Admin can action this task.



Step 4 - Check the Set-Up is Correct

After Steps 1, 2 and 3 are complete, it is essential to check that the connection has been made successfully. If the details you entered are not correct, your Student's USIs will not be validated and may be incorrect. Incorrect USIs will need to be fixed before you submit your reporting.

The best way to check a successful connection is to go to, ManageUSI Workbench and check the Status at the top of the page.

Successful Connection

If there is a 'Cannot Connect' error, it may mean that there is a fault with the USI Web Services server and not your Configuration. We recommend checking with USI Web Services before changing your RAM Notification. 

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