Enable the API/LTI Connection with Catapult
- From the COURSES menu item select CATAPULT SETUP
- In the Catapult Integration Setup screen, you will need to enter your unique API and LTI keys in the fields provided. Each Catapult account has it's own unique set of keys.
To obtain your keys, per the on screen instructions you will need to submit a support ticket (this can be sent to either Vasto or Catapult) asking to have these provided to you.
It is possible to integrate with content from a maximum of 3 Catapult accounts against your Vasto account.
Catapult Integration Preferences
Also located in the Catapult Integration Setup screen is the option to toggle your preferences.
- Allow students to access Catapult units, even after completion (no locking)
When this option has been enabled even when a unit is complete, a student will still be able to open their Catapult activity. This allows them to view the Catapult hosted learning content, their responses and trainer feedback & comments.
This is not enabled as a default, which means once a student has completed a unit they are no longer able to access the content or see their answers for completed units.
Common Questions & Troubleshooting
- After populating the API/LTI codes, timetable item Manage Enrolments screen does not display all students enrolled, and when viewing a student profile the enrolments tab does not display any enrolments.
Should this occur, please submit a support ticket. Occasionally where each student has a very large number of Catapult Units associated with their enrolment the function that tries to fetch and update all catapult enrolment data for all students and enrolments will need to be disabled as it cannot handle the significant load of data.
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