Historic system updates (prior to 20 September 2022)

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Historic system updates:

Updated Features 

August 2022:

August 26

1. Google Analytics – dynamic field tags added to GTM codes

2. Enrolments – option to prevent self-enrolments into a timetable via share link where the start date has past located in Setup > System Defaults > Enrolment Settings

3. Booking details – bug fix, when an assessor is changed for some students on a booking they will not be split of into a new booking

4. Reports – bug fix, training report for corporate client will capitalise names where they are capitalised in Vasto

5. Reports – bug fix, trainer availability report will use the address recorded on the trainer VET profile

August 18

1. Funding receipt import – enable bulk duplicate removal when importing funding receipts (Only for subscribers with funded training add-on enabled)

2. Custom Report Generator – new fields for planned start and end dates

3. Google analytics – GTM code for transaction completion now available

4. Progress Tracker – if the booking is set to dummy mode, an alert shows this in technical information section

5. Trainer portal – message individual student from session by clicking the message button

6. Partner Portal – course/unit ID number displays in the timetable create form, allows for identification of different courses with same title (Only for subscribers with partner portal add-on enabled)

7. Employee information – on student individual profile in the employee info tab, new option to flag a recorded employer as a previous position. When set to previous, student data will not display in corporate client report ‘Training Report’.

8. Widgets – new widget installation code available (for optimal user experience in iOS 15)

9. Account signature – bug fix, signature pad will record digital signature and display as intended

10. Automated Message templates – bug fix, display issue where ID number runs into title field

11. Unpaid items report – bug fix, column for invoice number will display invoice number

12. Custom report generator – bug fix, certificate expiry data displays as intended

13. Manage Timetable View - bug fix, the student progress report will display progress all students in that timetable item, including students who have not yet started and therefore have not made tangible progress but should still be monitored.


July 2022:

July 26

1. New report - Located in report > lodged submissions will show number of submissions lodged by students to each assessor per day

2. Broadcast message - Broadcast messages sent from assessor portal will now use the email address defined in setup > alert settings > Ad-hoc Messages as the sender, ensuring that email notifications can be successfully dispatched

3. Progress tracker - If the enrolment status is failed, the progress tracker will show this in red text

4. Self-Enrolment - bug fix, when the advanced option to 'collect more student profile & contact details at initial enrolment' is enabled student is directed to on-screen confirmation of enrolment

5. Dashboard - bug fix, if Xero connection fails the dashboard functions not linked to finance will still be available

6. Privacy policy - Update to privacy policy regarding international data transfers

7. Enquiry manager - bug fix, if no enquiry is found in the enquiry manager the font size will remain standard and not enlarged to jumbo sized

July 13

1. Assessor Statistics Report – new data field, will display total number of pending submissions in the queue to be assessed at time report is run

2. Enquiry widget – bug fix, once an enquiry is submitted the widget will confirm successful submission of said enquiry

3. Enquiry widget – bug fix, course selection will display with a tick when they have been selected to show in the edit values here check list

4. Trainer portal – bug fix, overall comments will save when multiple prac sessions are created on page 1 of the timetable item

5. Payment requests – bug fix, no payment request will be generated if the course fee is zero dollars

6. Certificates – bug fix, where there are multiple units with the same unit code (ie. code is blank) these will all be displayed on the certificate (where the appropriate settings are in place to display units within the course, rather than the course code/title)


June 2022:

June 28

1. Certificate templates – Option to add in student's date of birth as a dynamic display field

2. New report – Report - recent SMS - shows most recently sent SMS within the system

3. SCORM packages – New coding applied to allow students to re-access SCORM packages where authoring does not explicitly state this

4. Timetable calendar – New view (setup -- system defaults -- view) to use INTERNAL TITLES on the timetable calendar view

5. Advanced funding reconciliation module – Added in parameters to notify if an import of a funding receipt may be a duplicate

6. Corporate clients – Where a parent/child relationship exists, if the child does NOT having a training coordinator or accounts payable set, it will inherit these details from the parent organisation

7. Widgets – If a widget is set to have a specific category assigned, any assigned filters will take notice of the category and not show courses/units that are not categorised in this way

8. Student profiles – On the MESSAGES tab of a student profile, you can now unsubscribe a student from receiving any automated messages based on their enrolments. This is particular useful where a student has withdrawn an enrolment


June 14

1. Progress Tracker – for practical sessions in the detailed session assessment view, a timestamp is now displayed for when the trainer submitted attendance and assessment for that student

2. Progress Tracker – for exams with human assessed responses, if a file is included in the assessor response it is accessible next to the question in the exam detailed view

3. Trainer Availability Report – New filter to sort by state of residence

4. Show internal titles – Setting located under Setup > System Defaults on the Views tab to show internal titles on timetable widgets will also use internal titles for any payment requests

5. Voucher Import Spreadsheet – will apply an expiration date to vouchers when created if one is specified in the spreadsheet

6. Corporate Portal – Scrollbar added to class list so user can view all students enrolled

7. Corporate Client Reports – New field for expected revenue added to both future and training reports

8. Corporate Client Reports – Chargeback report will now include archived timetable items

9. Partner Portal – bug fix, the unlodge button now removes a lodged submission

June 1

1. Share Link Enrolments – If the setting to use internal titles is enabled for widgets, this will also apply to share link enrolments including the “You are about to enrol into…” screen

2. Corporate Portal – New Certificate Expiries Report, accessed from the My Students menu item will show any students whose certification expires in the next 6 weeks with an Excel export option

3. Payment Schedules – Additional usage notes added to the edit timetable item screen

4. Trainer Availability Report – if filtering by course, will only display trainers who are qualified to teach all units within the course, and state added as an additional search filter

5. Switch Assessor - When changing the assigned assessor for multiple enrolments, there is now has an option to override unit level assessors

6. Progress/Results report – Fixed where assessor has been switched and creates multiple entries for the same activities

7. Admin User Permissions – new permission created "Cert Production Super User". When granted, this user will behave as a primary user and have the ability to generate certificates regardless of warnings per the setting located in Setup > System Defaults on the Training Workflows tab for Certificate Production Preferences

8. Exam Activity – if the passing grade is set as less than 100% this will recognise the lower pass grade and flag activity as completed, ignoring failed questions that do not need to be retaken


May 2022:

May 17

1. Timetable widget – Filter display issue fixed so filters are visible

2. Student address – If there is no VET profile, when supplying an address this will populate into their VET profile and data will be retained

3. Exams – In student portal the BEGIN button will only show if the exam status is new. If the exam status is in progress, a CONTINUE button will show. If the exam has returned questions, no button will show and student should navigate to the returned question/s

4. Confirmation email – Dynamic fields for RTO details will pull data from the account setup page

5. Invoicing – Long corporate client names will auto-shrink font size to fit the space

6. Addresses – When adding an address to Vasto, it will be added as a residential address by default

7. Widgets – When using a bundle filter, the filters have been improved to pick up timetables further into the future

8. Internal titles – Selecting internal titles for widgets (Setup > System Defaults > Views) will also use the internal title for share links

9. Trainer portal – Where practical sessions are created on page 2 of the timetable item, and where the session has setting the 'Students must select and pre-register to attend ONE session' selected, trainers will see an ‘add student’ button above their class list, which allows them to select students who are enrolled into the timetable item and add them to their prac session student list. This means if a student has not selected they would attend the session in student portal, that a trainer can now add them to their class list manually.

10. Timetable settings – On page 2 of the timetable editor there is a new setting ‘never generate certificates’. This will prevent enrolments in this timetable item from populating into the certificate production queue. Certificate buttons will also not be displayed if this setting is enabled. Allows you to automatically skip where an enrolment will never require a certificate.

11. New Setting to hide completed students – enabled under (setup > system defaults > views) new setting available to hide completed and final-certificated enrolments by default. When enabled, this will hide completed students who are issued with a certificate from showing in the student list in the manage timetables view. If dealing with large enrolment numbers into a single timetable item, this will help loading times when viewing the timetable and reduce visual clutter.

May 3

1. Corporate Portal – fix recently completed category on dashboard - will pick up all recently completed students linked to said corporate client

2. Custom Report Generator – New data field added - Purchasing Contract Schedule ID

3. Student Portal – Where student has completed an exam but still has returned questions to resubmit, they will not see the ‘begin’ button for that exam and instead need to navigate to returned questions.

4. Billing Settings – now displays detailed breakdown on SMS billing

5. My units – fix for units which were not displaying in the list of units at all

6. Address – will save successfully without a street number provided

7. Trainer availability report – search by course functioned fixed. Trainers who have permissions for all units in the course will populate into the report

8. Student Activity Report – report fixed so it will pull data and include student names for the dataset

9. Question editor – question resources file attachment will now use the account file manager, allowing you to use files saved to the file manager without re-uploading.

10. Session Results – trainer comments will be visible to students in student portal (if enabled in account settings) regardless of the outcome for the activity so they can see feedback prior to completing an activity

11. Assessor Portal – fixed student count in active students category so display each individual student within the category list.

12. Corporate Portal – enrolment date filter added to my students search

13. LTI activities – New setting to prevent the activity from locking on completion so it can always be opened by a student even after completing the LTI activity

14. Course/Unit Titles – new settings located under Setup > Default Settings > Views tab, to elect to use internal title (default options is recognised title) in a variety of locations including timetable widgets, trainer portal, timetable calendar for admin and partner portal.

15. Question editor – where question is allocated to an exam, there is now a direct link to open and edit the exam. Previously no link and required you to manually search


April 2022:

April 12

1. Reportsload more button now working as intended and loading new data for the learner engagement report, bug fix for it repeatedly loading the same data when clicking load more

2. Billing for variable charges – ability to approve and enable direct debit for these types of charges via Setup > My Account > Direct debit for variable charges

3. Reports – filter by last unit completed on enrolment progression report fixed to correctly display students who completed a unit within search parameters

4. Reports – enrolment progression report will ignore included competency units

5. Certificates – new feature at unit level in the paths tab to set a stream descriptor which will pull onto both transitory and regular certificates where units are listed on page 1

6. Widgets – Following Google Chrome update, widgets will require a API key created for each domain that the widget is displayed on (if using iframe code)


March 2022:

March 22

1. Assessor Portal – student progress bar will now account for cluster units and completion percentage will be measured correctly as such

2. Student portal – student declaration activity will never lock

3. SCORM activities – completion flag fixed so it is correctly recognised when a student has successfully completed the SCORM activity

4. AVETMISS report generator – if funding source details are applied at unit level in the over ride fields these units ONLY will be included for that enrolment. The enrolment should be set as funded.

March 16

1. Certificates – units will display in the order displayed at course level

2. Vouchers – optimised to load vouchers list on opening of vouchers page

3. Trainer portal – count for number of registered students will display correctly

4. Invoicing – activity log restored and optimised

5. Attendance lists – longer names now accommodated - if the name is still too long the middle name will be omitted. If still too long, it will display first name and first initial of last name - eg. Peter S.

6. Edit Booking page – where invoice is linked to a corporate account for an individual enrolment, the invoice will load and display in this screen

7. Student declaration – this activity type will not lock in student portal

8. Superseded Enrolments – these records will now present in NAT files when constituent units within the enrolment are still eligible for reporting

9. Unit funding editor – new option to remove a receipted funding amount (available only for subs with the funding module upgrade)

March 1

1. Corporate portal – co-ordinators can copy/paste a virtual room link at all times with a mouse over of the virtual room text

2. Corporate portal – upcoming courses now has pagination to view courses where future dated courses are in excess of thirty

3. Trainer/assessor unit permissions – archived courses and units will show as such in display list for improved clarity when assigning permissions

4. Corporate bookings report – new data field added for 'voucher code used'

5. Widgets – multiple widgets now able to run on a single web page

6. Certificates report – new option to exclude non-VET certificates when generating this report

7. Share link generator – history will show exact URL which was previously generated, bug fix

8. Repot generator – on screen reports now have correct headings for each data column, bug fix

9. Partner portal – archive partner function to archive defunct partners

10. Mobile number search – optimized for better search speeds

11. Enrolment status – will remain as NEW until student has started a unit, at which point it will move to IN PROGRESS, bug fix

12. Phone number – can now be added against a Vasto profile without editing on the VET profile (this is useful for adding a phone contact number for a corporate co-ordinator who is not doing training themselves but who needs a contact number recorded)


February 2022:

February 18

1. Optimisations made so when students provide USI at point of enrolment it will only update their details if USI is not already validated

2. In corporate portal, clicking the VIRTUAL CLASS text will copy the virtual room link to their clipboard

3. When closing the page while a AVETMISS report is running, a pop-up will prompt to confirm you wish to navigate away from the page

4. Mechanism to override a postal address postcode for Virtual Venues when generating AVETMISS reports

5. Fixed typo in user interface where admiN was showing as admiM.


January 2022

January 18


2. Logic enhancements made to USI registry where student has USI and incorrectly registers for a second one

3. Enhancements made to 'EXPORT CONTACTS' function at timetable level. When this is run, the corresponding data extracted matches the 'BULK IMPORT' to allow for ease of extracting a cohort and enrolling in a new timetabled item

4. Enhancements made to fine tune the display of exam detail Q & A view in admin portal to accommodate very long single row long responses



December 2021

1. Practical Activity Skills List – Skills with an apostrophe in the text can now be freely edited

2. Report Generator – display on screen option now recognises set end date of the report

3. Certificate export report – correctly delineates a final statement of attainment, where is previously simply indicated ‘final’

4. Private Timetable Enrolments – Will pick up corporate clients as linked organisation to that enrolment for self-enrolments via share link

5. Enrolment progression report - Added unit completion date range filter

6. Voucher – symbol % now accepted as a valid character for use in a voucher

7. Daily unit completions report – new column added for assessor

8. Booking editor – clicking on the eye icon will not show un-invoiced $0 items

9. Enrolment status – (bug fix) will move to status of ‘in progress’ once any admin grading is applied

10. General query and code optimisation – quicker loading times and reports able to handle larger data sets

11. Funding Reconciliation Report – changes to the date filter options

12. Date export - New option to export report of "Corporate Client Contact Details"


November 2021

30 November

1. Exams – Option to export the full compliance skills mapping for that exam (details supplied at question level) to excel

2. Partner portal – invoices will now generate to partners

16 November

1. Corporate Portal – New section on dashboard for custom links. New menu item in HELP menu for links. Set up by admin from Connect > Links Management. Allows you to share links with your corporate clients, such as directing them to your website for public bookings

2. Custom report generator – Added display fields for gender, disabled flag, industry of employment, category of occupation and postal address

3. Enrolment Funding Editor - Upgrades made to UI to show this

4. Funding Report - Ability to export to Excel

5. Enrolment status - Will automatically shift to IN PROGRESS if an admin user sets any constituent unit status to any status other than NEW or PENDING COMMENCEMENT

6. Progress Tracker - new data field to show any enrolment acknowledgements agreed to when enrolment was by self-enrolment

7. USI Workbench - enrolments pre-2015 are hidden

8. Enrolment level unit funding editor - New field to show funding receipt date

9. Funding reconciliation report - New data field for funding receipt date

10. Xero sync - optimisations for improved function with the sync

11. VET Profile address search - address search fixed when accessing VET profile from timetable link

12. File manager - when adding files to an activity, file manager will display on top of the open window

13. Units completed dashboard report - added features and fixes

14. Enhanced enrolments - cancelled or deleted enrolments will not display in the list of open/active categories

15. Dashboard - optimised for faster load time

16. Student Portal – New menu item in HELP menu for links. Created by admin from Connect > Links Management.

17. Enrolment progression report - Extensive works including;

  • Enhancements to PCID drop down display
  • Export to excel function added
  • New data display field for Purchase Contract end date
  • PCID filter will not pre-fill an end date, if no end date is defined
  • will now show withdrawn enrolments
  • performance optimisations to run search

18. Certificate Settings - New option to create a single universal certificate number sequence and prefix for all certificate types

19. Unit status - Allow admin to over-ride the unit status to cancelled, if it was not previously set to new

20. Import funding receipts - Check box to generate invoice to funder fixed. When not ticked, no invoices will be craeted

21. Certificate history - Enhancements made to prevent timeout


2 November

1. Renewal reminders - Code optimisations made to enhance manual reminder process

2. Archive enrolments - Main dashboard, expired enrolments now links to a list of students who are expired and can be archived

3. Coordinator portal - Link now exists for coordinators to access virtual training sessions within the corporate portal

4. Enrolment progression report - For subscribers utilising the additional funding report add-on, the enrolment progression report now shows the timetable ID and the ability to filter by contracts

5. Progress tracker - Progress tracker will now show where a student's enrolment has been admin graded, along with the ability to remove this

6. Assessor portal - Ability to search and grade expired student's response now exists

7. Training plan - Will now show student's employer and all training delivery methods selected

October 2021

26 October 2021

1. Question Editor - Questions can only be allocated to the same exam once, removed loophole where they could be added multiple times

2. Addresses - Vasto student addresses (postal and residential) will auto-sync with any address details provided by a student when completing their VET profile address

3. Student portal - Like to invoice now clickable and will open PDF copy of invoice

4. Payment requests - Will now check to see if booking is paid before issuing a payment request - specifically where a timetable item uses a payment schedule and enrolment fee

5. Certificate templates - RTO number now an independent display field. Previously this was tied to RTO name.

6. Admin portal - unlocked exams will now self-lock again after the 2 day unlock period.

19 October 2021

1. Enrolment Progression Report - PCID now an added data field

2. Admin Bulk Enrolments - Bulk enrolment spreadsheets with large amounts of data will now be broken down into group enrolments of 60 students automatically, allowing larger data sets to be uploaded. At the bottom of the student list on the final page (which is also the ASE) there will be a list of LINKED bookings for each group that has been enrolled from a single excel file. Be aware that to send enrolment confirmations for the entire batch, you do need to visit each of those group bookings and send confirmations out.

3. Booking confirmation email - Improved formatting to the location and time details, where they are displayed using the dynamic field [sesison_dates_time]

4. Partner Portal Private Timetables - Corporate client name details will show on time table list

5. Booking Payment Status - At time table level, booking status will update immediately on receipt of payment. Previously an additional refresh of screen was required.

6. AVETMISS form student portal - Prevent auto fill changes from saving and updating Vasto details when USI, Name, Date of Birth fields have already been verified.

7. Xero Sync - Limit removed for Xero sync, previously sync was limited to 50 at a time.

8. Partner Portal Private Timetables- Corporate Client organisation name will show in the course details from manage timetable view.

9. Private Timetables- Students will automatically have the organisation details applied to their enrolment if they are enrolled in a private timetable item

9 October 2021

1. Address search - on student portal and in admin portal when updating a student address there is a NEW address search, which will search for valid address and populate all address fields correctly. Will reduce address and postcode errors for AVETMISS reporting

2. Auto messaging opt out - Students can now opt out of receiving automated messaging via SMS and/or email. Communication preferences are located in student portal under 'my settings' and for admin users on student profile in the "Email & SMS" tab.

3. Courses and Units - when you open a course or unit this will open into a new tab. Allows users to keep their place on the course or unit list page while drilling into a specific course/unit

4. Funding contracts - NEW archive function will hide the contract from the main list, but retains funding details against an enrolment. Prevents admin users allocating old/defunct funding details in error (available only for subs with the funding upgrade)

5. System performance - various minor bug fixes and performance optimisations resulting in overall improved system performance


September 2021

29 September 2021

1. RTO Compliance Report - Optimisations for increased speed generating NAT files

2. Overall System Performance - upgrades and optimisations which will improve overall performance across Vasto

27 September 2021

Previously know as "Find A Student", the search box at the top right hand corner of admin portal can now do more!

If you hover your mouse over the newly labelled "Find" box it will show what short codes you can use.

Use new "entity short codes" followed by an ID number to jump directly to:

  • Booking View - b:{booking ID}
  • Enrolment Progress Tracker - e:{enrolment ID}
  • TT Item Student List - t:{timetable ID}
  • Course - c:{course ID}
  • Unit - u:{unit ID}
  • Venue profile - v:{venue ID}
  • List of Corporate Clients filtered by that search term - corp:{all or part of business name}

    14 September 2021

    1. Apostrophe in Surname – Resolved error where the apostrophe is duplicated

    2. Question Editor – Additional instructions provided on embedding a Vimeo video URL

    3. Trainer Profile Page - New link added to open a trainer profile from session class manager in admin portal

    4. RTO Compliance Report - For units completed in year AFTER the current NAT set date range, but commenced within or before that date range, override status outcome to IN PROGRESS if it is currently set to COMPETENCY ACHIEVED

    5. Certificates – On statement of Results typo of "Reccognition" in the outcome key corrected

    6. Funding Contracts – Start date will hold the date specified and no longer override the start date with the end date

    7. Vasto Exams - If there is a manually assessed exam response submitted when a prior attempt has already been marked as CORRECT, ignore the subsequent submission.

    8. Clone Timetable Function – Will now recognise a timetable as an Auspice Partner timetable and correctly clone the timetable item to the partner timetable items and not the main RTO

    9. Funding Contracts Module – New features available for subscribers with this add on;

    a. Funding details now has field to record contract duration for that specific enrolment

    b. This information and other funding details now displayed on top left of Progress Tracker

    c. Unit Outcome Editor – if the planned end date for a unit exceeds the contract duration, the text will show in red and mouse-over the red text will show error description

    d. Enrolment Progression Report has additional column showing contract end date. Will show in orange if expiry is in next 30 days, and red when contract end date has passed.


    August 2021

    August 31 2021

    1. Student Portal – where a specific course end date has been set at timetable level, student expiry date will show as such in student portal

    2. Phone numbers – display full phone number with correct formatting and spaces where formatting was previously omitting a number

    3. Funded Training Receipts Import – if two students have the same name and are enrolled in the same unit or student name has an apostrophe import tool will additionally check student ID field to find the correct match

    4. RTO Compliance Report – function to tick/untick all fixed so that all options selected in back end

    5. Student Portal - top menu will show recognised course or unit title and not the internal title

    6. Corporate Portal – added page scroll to student list so full student cohort can be seen, previously cut off as no option to scroll

    7. Progress Tracker – activity completion date for practical sessions will pull the date of last skill/competency assessment OR the date of the session attendance record (whichever is available) preventing error where todays date is recorded as the activity completion date

    8. Book To Account – where an invoice is raised using the book to account function, the invoice will pick up the address as defined against that corporate client

    9. AVETMISS form settings – where account setting is enabled for NON-VET form completion to be optional, students can continue immediately into their portal

    10. Orphaned skills and competencies against practical session – now visible to admin in student progress tracker, and to student in student portal

    11. Practical Session Skills and Competencies - disable the function to delete skills from activity if any assessment outcome or trainer notes are found against it. Will prevent orphaned skills/competencies.


    August 24 2021

    1. Enhanced Enrolments - NOT YET SUBMITTED filter will show all students with pending special enrolment requirements

    2. Mobile Phone Numbers - Improvements to recording this data field. Masked fields will format as you type number in student profile. Mobile number will display with spaces, but stored in database without. Country code selected with drop down box

    3. USI Web Services - Updated to most current Version 4. There is no visual or functional change, version 3 being decommissioned by USI office end of October.

    4. VET profile error icon - Hover over the error icon at timetable level will now show details of error for easier resolution

    5. New Setting - Students in Non-VET training only required to provide basic enrolment details (name, email, date of birth). Located in System Default > Student Portal Settings. Tick option Make NON-VET form completion optional for NON-VET courses with no VET units.

    6. Partner Portal - Button labelled "group progress" now available within timetable item view to provide a snapshot of each students current progress in the course

    7. AVETMISS profile - Industry and employment indicator fields and values can now be edited and are displayed in admin view

    8. Certificates - When they have been emailed to student or co-ordinator via bulk actions certificates will flag as released automatically

    9. Student Portal - Resolved issue where multiple tabs are open and running different activities within the same course and incorrect activity progress is recorded

    10. Progress Tracker - Resolved issue where practical activity did not flag as completed if there were no notes recorded by the trainer

    11. Partner Portal - Various links redirected to correctly link to partner portal pages

    12. Renewal Reminders - Ignored reminders will not be included in search query which will prevent situation where a blank page loads with no data, as the data has been ignored

    13. Bulk Student Upload - Resolved issue where user account is not created for students enrolled via bulk upload spreadsheet

    14. New Setting - When editing timetable items, there is a new option to set specific closure date on that timetable item. Students will no longer be able to access the course after this date.

    15. Certificates - If utilising a supplementary page, the advanced element positioning now allows you to drag and drop elements around the template

    16. Report enhancements - Timesheet Report and Trainer availability reports have had upgrade work to run more efficiently and prevent timeouts.


    August 17 2021

    1.New Feature - add version/update info to top of admin portal page

    2. Trainer Portal – Practical session activities no longer shows the current practical session as an ‘incomplete’ activity

    3.Progress/results report – date filter now working as intended

    4.Timetable calendar - course filter to accurately filter by practical session title

    5.Widgets - private corporate client widget to link their courses

    6.Corporate portal - my courses page will display always open timetable items, as well as those with set dates

    7. Invoice Payments - where a payment has a longer comment spread over multiple lines associated with it, the payment will now successfully delete


    August 10 2021

    1. Manage > results/progress report - will show assessor for each activity and will recognise unit-level assessor overrides when filtering by assessor name

    2. Assessor portal - file submissions activities will now show the date submitted on all submissions against the activity so you can easily see when these were

    3. Trainer resources - resources present in sequential order in both admin and trainer portals

    4. Auto Messaging - new rule renewal reminder, which will only send if student has NOT rebooked themselves into training. This rule will recognise superseding codes too where these have been set up

    5. RTO Compliance report - funding contract filter (available to subs with the funded add on package)

    6. RTO compliance report - tick/untick all button for state funding source

    7. Student portal - AVETMISS address form now has state and postcode on separate lines, both with a label so it is clear which field is which

    8. Trainer portal - the practical activity which the trainer is currently marking/facilitating will no longer show as an 'incomplete' activity against each student


    August 3 2021

    Student Progress Tracker - Activity timeline button will only show for courses with multiple units.

    Confirmation email to Co-ordinator - Dynamic fields for RTO details will correctly populate when confirmation template is sent to co-ordinator


    1. Now excludes unchosen electives

    2. On EXCEL EXPORT, it now separates student FIRST NAME and SURNAME over two columns (also retains the 'full name' column with both combined in a single cell)

    3. On EXCEL EXPORT, when you select to include the UNIT CODE, it will now also present a column with the unit's TITLE

    4. Purchasing Contract ID data field added

    5. Employer/Corp Client data field is now operational and includes an optional filter to report data for a single corporate client

    6. Optimised for increased speed and to better handle large data sets


    July 2021

    July 20 2021

    1. Partner Portal - Xero sync adjustment to accommodate partner fee revenue from certificates issued

    2. Account Logo - special treatment for file names with spaces so that these upload seamlessly

    3. Booking confirmation email - where these use a dynamic field to provide session details the time will now read in 12 hour AM/PM format

    4. Corporate Client Report "Training Report - for corporate client"- will show staff attending public courses

    5. Cluster Activity Elements - CAE containers will not appear on transcripts

    6. Booking details - show date booking created in addition to date student enrolled

    7. Name formatting over ride - accessed via SETUP > NAME FORMATTING subscribers can over ride standardised name formatting in the event they have a student whose personal details have capitalisation rules outside of regular name formatting

    8. Banked Receipts report - new column to show course title (where single line item exists - will not pick up multiple line items)

    9. Broadcast Messages - New functionality to send a SMS/text message using the broadcast message function

    10. Invoice status - An invoice payment status will update where a credit note has been applied in Xero following a sync


    June 2021

    June 22 2021

    1. Exam Functions - Syndicate option has been removed

    2. Exam Questions - resources attached at question level with http or https can now be removed

    3. Funded training - no funding will be allocated to unchosen electives

    4. New Enrolments - export to excel report now pulling out the selected data

    5. Concessional booking - display issue resolved so on screen correctly reflects the concessional status selected

    6. Branded enrolments - enrolments processed by admin will now pick up the correct sub-brand logo when sending confirmation email, previously sending with main RTO logo instead.


    June 15 2021

    1. Printed attendance sheets - formatting adjusted to accommodate long course/unit titles

    2. Enrolment confirmation letter - if no template is applied tot he course/unit, the link will be hidden on student portal

    3. SCORM - certificate configuration settings updated

    4. Transitory certificate queue - display now showing all certificates

    5. Vouchers - have been fixed so that they correctly recognise when the usage limit has been met and no further redemptions are allowed

    6. Payment workflow - where no sub-brand payment gateway has been defined the main RTO payment gateway will be used as default

    7. USI number - the field will now save even if USI web services are down, to be verified at a later point once web services are back online

    8. NEW export report - Student survey data for RTO renewal REPORT -> RTO Compliance -> AQTF

    9. NEW export report - REPORT -> RTO Compliance -> RTO renewal

    10. Practical sessions - for upgraded pathways will now be recognised and displayed in student portal

    11. Upgraded Vasto media player

    12. Vouchers - layout changes for redemptions list

    13. RPL - files can now be attached of any size at system defaults > RPL settings

    14. Grace periods - now correctly pick up and no blocking applied to student

    15. File names - when a file is uploaded with no title, changed how this is recoginsed in Vasto

    16. pathway errors - will no longer pick up CAE units which do not require a pathway as a pathway error

    17. Assessor portal - when changing the response group filter, the 'no returns' filter will no longer be automatically removed

    18. Assessor portal - exclude returns to correctly filter out any submissions which have been returned to student

    19. Custom report generator - updated to recognise keyword 'from'

    20. Elements and performance criteria - old tutorial video removed


    May 2021

    May 6 2021

    New Report - Vet Student Experience Survey - Accessed from REPORT > RTO COMPLIANCE > VETSES, this will pull the data to populate the "population data" sheet of the Excel Workbook, simply copy and paste into the NCVER template to submit.

    RPL Uploads - Ability for admin to upload documents to the RPL application


    April 2021

    April 21 2021

    Invoice Export - Total refunded column added to invoice export

    Corporate Portal - Dashboard performance optimisation

    Workflow - Workflow monitor on the dashboard fixed to display accurate count

    Invoice export - Bug fix, GL inventory codes fields now populated for private timetable items

    Letter Ordering Revision - "compelete" changed to "complete"

    Trainer Session Attendance list - Omit students from trainer portal where the unit is elective and has been marked with a status of "unchosen elective"

    Course Cover - Will only display practical sessions from the selected pathway

    Pay-Pal Settings - When selected at sub-brand level and no account details fleshed out, will pick up main account Pay-Pal details

    Returning Partner Courses - List fixed

    Special characters - Additional characters whitelisted for use in exam questions


    April 14 2021

    Invoice payments - New feature, you can now view the sync status of each individual payment made against an invoice when you open the invoice and view payments.

    March 2021

    March 23 2021

    Assessor Portal - Student declarations hidden on assessor portal so they do not show for assessment

    Student profile picture - Always pull most recent profile picture for certificates

    Assessor portal - Exclude submissions for non-exam activities from students that have enrolment status suspended, cancelled or withdrawn

    Widgets - Keyword search will now inform and filter the course/location drop down list

    Timetable Calendar - Will show a count of active students only, no longer counting any cancelled/suspended students

    Inactive Roles - When made inactive against a user role, that role will no longer display against their individual profile

    Bug Fix - Admin user uploading files to timetable items now saving as expected

    Bug Fix - Send login details to assessor now working as expected

    Corporate Clients - Pagination available so you can view all in a list

    Widgets - Fixed for timetable items that do not have a location

    Bug Fix - Virtual training rooms now a plain text link in confirmation letter PDF

    Funding Details - Purchasing contract schedule ID and claimable funding amount added to student Progress Tracker unit outcome editor

    Custom Report Generator - Added data fields 'funded amount' and 'purchasing contract ID'

    Bug Fix - Assessor activity report showing messages sent/received and submissions graded as expected

    Bug Fix - Fit long names on mini-certificates

    Bug Fix - Show exam title in student portal breadcrumbs menu

    Bug Fix - Auto-empty shopping cart whenever user logs into their portal, so previous items that were not checked out are removed

    Transitory Certificate Queue - Extended to pull 500 results

    Renewal Reminders - Bug fix so that dynamic fields pull correct information in default message and auto message templates applied

    Unit Upgrades - Now apply to units that are in a Clustered Activity Element (CAE)

    Enhanced Enrolment - Bug fix

    eWay Configuration - Updated details on how to configure for new subscribers as eWay has changed the process

    Request Widget Key - Upgraded to accept long domain names

    Bug Fix - Daily completions list will only include units that are complete

    Bug Fix - Don't show open submissions to assessor where activity is complete

    Bug Fix - Ability to reply to a broadcast message

    Advanced Search -Ability to retrieve hidden users with additional tick box

    Student Portal - Option in system defaults to disable message admin function

    March 10 2021

    Learner Engagement Report Reconfigured to now accommodate much larger data sets without timing out

    New System to log changes to enrolment record outcomes Diagnoses issues related to enrolment that change to completed status when not (and vice versa)

    Original files names retainedDisplayed for students and assessors for file submission activities-Note that this change is NOT retroactive

    Non-Exam submissions for assessment Shown on assessor portal open submissions page

    Fixed display issues with notes Pop-up on students individual session results page in the trainer portal

    Branding manager admin portal menu item Has now been replaced with SETUP->SETTINGS->SUB-BRANDS (for brands) and SETUP->ORGANISATIONS->CORPORATE CLIENTS (for clients)

    Prevention of upgraded units appearing on SKILL SET certificates


    February 2021

    February 9 2021

    Special characters Additional characters whitelisted

    Practical session results Will now show a link to sessions results/comments in the practical session schedule against virtual locations

    Tax treatment fixedFor invoices synced to a non-Australian Xero account

    Apostrophe's recognised Now recognised when checking availability of an email address against existing student records


    January 2021

    January 13 2021

    Special characters Additional special characters whitelisted

    Admin Users If a previously removed admin user is re-created, their previous profile will automatically be re-instated.

    NAT generator Optimised to run reports significantly quicker

    Student Portal Improvements so opening concurrent enrolments in multiple seperate tabs no longer confuses the enrolment and exam ID's

    Question Editor If a question TYPE is changed from MCQ to Matrix or vice versa, correct response options will now hold.

    Booking Confirmation Resolved issues around booking confirmations not sending upon enrolment - particularly into bundles.

    Student Profile Changes made in student VET profile to "commonly known as" name will communicate directly with Vasto student profile

    Student Transcript Will dynamically adjust font size to accommodate lengthier unit titles

    Employer Feedback Report Bug fix, now displaying as expected

    Student Portal Bug fix, view of practical session summary report now displaying as expected

    Duplicate messages Remove messages if time and subject are the same - preventing duplications in displays

    Certificate register report Now includes the EMAIL ADDRESS field

    Admin Grading Bug fix, will not show tentative (incomplete registration) enrolments on admin grading grids

    Student Portal Removed task numbering and made trainer comments appear in larger font size and different font colour so they can be clearly distinguished in the practical session summary

    Partner portal Bug fixes - partners able to select course that is on scope. Ability to change URL of partner accounts.

    Vouchers Bug fix, updating pricing at the cart as expected when there is a use limit set against the voucher


    January 4 2021

    Enquiries Manager Widget enquiries that contain a hyperlink in the message body will be automatically blocked, preventing spam enquiries


    December 2020

    December 23 2020

    Partner Portal Ability for main RTO to change partner portal domain name

    URL in bookings Bug fix, URL in booking now links correctly

    Bug fix Where multiple invoices were being generated for a single booking, now correctly generating only one invoice.

    December 18 2020

    Trainer Portal If trainer has indicated 100% grade, but not all competencies/skills have been ticked, the grade will turn red with a warning for the trainer.

    Trainer Grading Trainer can untick skills/competencies they had previously ticked as complete and in conjunction with allocating a grade less than 100%, this will revert a student status from complete back to incomplete. Note that if admin grading was applied, an activity outcome cannot be altered by the trainer.

    Virtual Room Timezone When setting up a VIRTUAL training location you are not prompted to define its timezone (state). This is used for determining a timezone adjusted close-off for self enrolments.

    Custom Self-Enrolment LockoutUnder the ENROL tab in a course/unit, you can now define how many minutes before the first practical session you want self enrolments to close off. At this point in time the TT widgets will say CLOSED in place of the ENROL button for those TT items.

    Practical Assessment Details in Student Portal Students can now see practical session detailed outcomes and comments from trainers IF this option is switched on under SETUP->SYSTEM DEFAULTS->STUDENT PORTAL SETTINGS - place a tick under "Practical Session Assessment Visibility". This is available even after the activity is locked. The link to the report is available under the practical session activity GRADE in student portal.

    2020 AVETMISS reporting PromptAdmin dashboard is displaying an alert to prompt users to get moving on running 2020 NATS and fixing data

    Import Course StructureWhen adding a course from training.gov.au API by searching the course code, this will now properly recognise CORE versus ELECTIVE units according to the training.gov.au API

    Corporate PortalRead only progress tracker now visible in the corporate portal, so corporate co-ordinators can view student progress

    December 11 2020

    Student Progress Tracker Added detail on number of core units completed/required and number of elective units completed/required.

    Manage Invoice Page For Xero users, the option to filter by sync status is now available, providing functionality to identified those which have not synced to Xero.

    Mange Invoice Page Invoices will open into a new tab.


    November 2020

    November 30 2020

    Overpaid invoice status Now treated as paid, and students able to open their course

    Alert dashboard Now includes the title of the course which the enrolment is for

    NAT generator report Both all accredited and funded accredited only with pick up funded activity and apply state-specific configuration (if a state is selected 'for submission to')

    Dynamic fields Now available [internal_course_title] and [internal_course_code]

    November 25 2020

    Enquiries manager New functionality with button to blacklist this IP address. All enquiries sent from a blacklisted IP address will be blocked, particularly useful for blocking spam.

    Search optimisations To address 504 timeout errors

    Assessor Portal Dashboard Learner engagement alerts now contained on their own page, accessed from a button at the bottom of screen.

    SCORM activitySkills and Outcomes tabs have been removed from the unit activity editor where the activity type is SCORM

    Transitory Certificate Queue Pagination bug fixed

    Dynamic field bug fix with dynamic field brand_name, so this pulls correctly when used in subject line of an email

    Unit status Status of Not Achieved will now hold, regardless of any activities that may or may not have been completed

    Help call Relocated to new menu item "Help", rather than the previous on screen floating icon.

    New special character whitelisted Special character \x8B has been whitelisted, this will stop some copy/pastes from Microsoft Word refusing to save.

    Timezone free-text The freetext TIMEZONE field values for timetable short sessions now display everywhere in the system that a session start time is mentioned (incl email confirmations).

    Virtual practical sessions Opening the activity will now show the session link on training day. Prior to training day, it will show the message "the link to this virtual session will appear here on training day"

    Changing default assessor Auto cleanup where an assessor is set at the TT item pathway level (2nd page of TTI editor), but not on the booking or explicitly defined at unit level via the unit assessor override option on the TTI class list.

    Address Format Updated to reflect Australia Post preferred format

    Venue information formatting Any formatting in the venue information will now carry across to the confirmation email when using dynamic field [course_location]

    Custom report generator Bug fix for date range selector, now correctly displaying 1 day search terms

    State selector removed Defunct filter option removed on page 2 of timetable editor

    Enrolment completion alert removed Defunct alert setting removed - this is replaced by auto-messaging functionality to se set up at unit/course level

    Login credentials on confirmation email Bug fix so login details are provided at end of confirmation email if the dynamic field [student_login_credentials] is not specified elsewhere in the template

    Corporate Portal Self-enrolments into a timetable item from a share link, where that timetable item is a private timetable item associated with a particular client will now be linked to that client/organisation.

    Cleanup Tools New cleanup tool #9, running this will fix up legacy issues of student exam submissions sticking with the original assessor after the assessor was changed at the enrolment level or the unit level

    Assessor Portal Bulk question set assessment page optimised for improved load time

    Automated messaging New rule to send on "assessment completion". Message trigged to queue by an assessor from the bulk grading "view/assess all submitted results" section, and selecting the Exam Assessment Status "all assessment complete" from the drop down.

    Optional Activities Optional activities are no longer considered at all in determining the outcome of a unit, or the start/completion dates of units.

    Activity type label There is now a label against each activity in student progress tracker to indicate whether the activity is optional or compulsory

    Progress tracker There are now two clickable links under the 'technical details' section of the student progress tracker for TT item ID. The first takes to to the time table item editor. The second takes you to the time table item view to see enrolled students.

    Automated messaging Clicking the information icon will reveal further explanatory text pertaining to the selected rule type, including considerations for their use. Rules are now validated to ensure they will work successfully.

    Assessor portal On the assessor portal dashboard there are now new buttons to quickly select a desired date range - eg fortnight, monthly, yearly as opposed to having to manually select these dates.

    Short course sessions Custom text field 'TIMEZONE' has been added to short course sessions, where an admin user can manually populate the time in another timezone. Additional custom work will be released later this week to have this show across various portals.

    Optional activities Optional activities now never lock in the student portal

    Reading material activity The reading material activity is now marked as complete (verified) when the student ticks the box - no requirement for assessor to counter mark.


    October 2020

    October 27 2020

    Partner Portal Changes to partner course and module pricing settings, bug fix for missing 'date' column when courses are always open

    Corporate portal Pagination added to 'my students' list to display all available students

    Assessor portal Bug fix with "load more" function for open submissions

    Custom Report Generator Bug fix with export to excel option now working as expected

    Exam (online) activity Notes tab removed

    October 14 2020

    Practical session activity Students (in student portal) no longer have the option to tick to indicate that they have attended a practical session.

    Google Analytics Functionality to track Google Analytics is now available - for more information please click here

    October 8 2020

    Mini certs Unit indentation now allows for full left hand justification.

    Certificate templates Increase in cap on supplementary pages from 2 to 3.

    Corporate portal If a coordinator is associated with more than one organisation, the user can select which organisation's corporate portal they wish to login to.

    October 7 2020

    Widget Filters When state filter is selected, venue locations are limited to those within that state (previously all venue locations still visible)

    Multi-page Invoices Bug fix so invoices with many line items that exceed 2+ pages display neatly

    Certificate dispatch template message Bug fix so custom template is sent to students (previously default template sent, despite custom message set up)

    Roles Tab When assigned as a coordinator for an organisation, the org is now indicated in the roles tab of their individual profile. If assigned as coord for multiple orgs, all will be listed

    Send Student Login Bug fix where admin users were unable to resend login details to a student

    Share Links "Get link" in share link history now displays the short share link, in addition to the full long link

    Various Bug fixes and security updates


    September 2020

    September 22 2020

    Certificates Ability to display student profile photo on certificate. Must be JPEG format.

    Certificate Queue Courses tab will now display a list of timetable items with a certificate/s queued. There is a button to access that timetable item cert production queue directly.

    Trainer Portal Trainers now able to use the "Message a Student" function

    Various Bug fixes and security updates

    September 16 2020

    Widget settings Will only display start and finish times if the timetable item is one short session

    Trainer calendar Rounding fixed

    September 11 2020

    Assessor Portal Improvements to loading time

    Assessor Portal Bug fix - load more button loading next available submissions

    Assessor Portal Submissions made against orphaned units no longer show in assessor portal for marking

    September 10 2020

    Transitory certificate queue New functionality, gold icon indicates certificate already awarded - grey icon has yet to be generated. Ability to issue for a single unit by removing unwanted units (red cross).

    Security Enhancements and optimisations

    September 7 2020

    Certificate Production Queue Significant decrease in load time when opening certificate production queue

    September 3 2020

    Exam Bug Fix Students able to retake exam where they do not initially achieve a passing grade where setting to retake is enabled

    Clustered Activity Elements (CAE's) All units in a CAE are considered a core unit, regardless of whether they have been marked as such at course level

    Email message preview Admin users are now able to preview the entirety of a vasto-generated email message, as opposed to just notification of time and date sent.

    Transitory and Single Unit certificate queue Bug fixes

    August 2020

    August 24 2020

    Student Disability Status Hovering over disability icon in any portal (admin or trainer) will now display disability category, in addition to any custom text provided by student

    August 19 2020

    Payment Request Ability to edit this field even when an invoice has been paid

    Failed Payment Allow retry of payment on enrolment when initial payment has failed

    Booking Organisation When an enrolment is split away from it's booking group, it will retain any organisation details associated with the original booking

    August 12 2020

    Parent/Child Organisations New tab added for 'Child Orgs' which displays list of any children organisations associated with the parent

    August 11 2020

    Assessor Portal Changes to absentee list so that any one student will appear in only one group - ie. if absent for 180 days, they will not show as absent for 14, 30 and 90 days as well.

    Exam Results Bug fixed where exams which are graded manually do not automatically update the unit and enrolment outcomes

    August 10 2020

    Renewal reminders Bug fix, functioning as expected

    Assessor Portal Dashboard Some filter options pre-applied, to reduce long wait times for large data sets

    Time Extension Custom Terms & Conditions now displaying as expected for student purchasing this prior to their time fully expiring

    Timetable Item Order Now displayed in date order, regardless of groups and/or bundles

    August 6 2020

    Unsuccessful Payment at Enrolment Paid feature - when enroling if payment is unsuccessful, a student will not be enroled into the course at all and their details will not be added to the system until payment is successful

    July 2020

    July 24 2020

    Bulk Enrolments Private client organisation assigned to booking and person's employer profile now created upon bulk enrolment from spreadsheet import for private timetable items

    Ignored certificates Certificates which have been ignored in the certificate queue now visible on individual profile in the 'certs' tab

    Clustered Activity Elements (CAE) Warning text now appears when adding activities against a unit advising user not to add any other activities if the unit is part of a CAE or IC.

    Trainer Session Comment Bug fixed so trainer session comments are visible to admin users when accessing from progress tracker

    July 23 2020

    Timetable Switch Period where a student can be switched from a historic timetable item extended from 10 days through to 5 weeks

    July 22 2020

    Skills Editor Bugs fixed so that you can assign to a new category and rename a skill

    Filter for Archived Courses Now also prevents archived courses showing in the course list, not just on the calendar in both Trainer Schedule and Venue Schedule

    Email Notification to Admin Enabled for when a student reports a technical issue or problem from their student portal

    Non-Activated Enrolments Where the feature is turned on that any attempted enrolment where the payment was not successful should be ignored, admin users can now search for these unsuccessful enrolments where a student has attempted to enrol but their payment has failed and 'activate' them or delete the record entirely.

    AQTF Survey Transitory students can now complete an AQTF survey

    New Enrolment Email Alert Additional details - student email address and voucher code (if applicable) included on email alert

    July 21 2020

    Parent/Child Organisations Option to convert an organisations 'departments' to child organisations of a parent organisation. They will also remain as departments. Once converted, in the parent organisation you will see on the DEPTS tab a link to the child organisation/s which exist.

    Curriculum ActivitiesOption to set order and edit SKILLS in curriculum activities of units. To set the order using the boxes to the left of each skill. Once happy with it, click the SAVE REORDER button for that category.

    Pathways Where a TT item has a single unit with a single pathway, this is now shown on TT item list and on the TT item student list page.

    Archived courses Option to remove archived courses from both venue schedule and trainer schedule views.

    Enrollment Expiry Ability to set basis for enrolment expiry as the start date of a TT item or booking date. Setting found in the course/unit specs under maximum course completion time.

    Corporate Client Portal Ability to show or hide previous courses, with added pagination so you can view all previous courses not only the 30 most recent.

    General Maintenance Bug fixes, security enhancements, optimisations and code upgrades throughout the system.

    July 12 2020

    Student Portal Dashboard Minor Cosmetic Changes.

    Exam Marks Resolved error where exams are not marked as complete when there are human assessed text only submissions in the exam. This fixes for future exams, backlog of prior incidents still being cleaned up.

    Payment Requests When initial payment request is not paid successfully duplicate system messages are now removed from log once payment is successfully placed.

    General Code optimisation, version upgrades bad security enhancements.

    July 10 2020

    Terms & Conditions PDF Pagination improvements for reduced document length.

    Session Count On Venue and Trainer calendar views in admin portal the session count has been amended to take into account sessions which were set up as a unit within a course, but the unit was deleted from the course after the fact.

    Employment Categories - VET Profile Employment Categories always displayed on VET profile in admin portal individual profiles.

    Banked Receipts Report Available to export to Microsoft Excel.

    July 9 2020

    Disability Status in Trainer Portal Disability icon now appears next to a students name on the trainer class list if they have indicated a disability on their VET profile.

    Timetable Switch Can now switch into a time table item with only 1 space available.

    Self-enrol Capacity Check Final check for available capacity in a time table item performed when student clicks CONTINUE on self enrolment form. This will prevent overbooking when two people being enrollment at the same time.

    Study Reason Now always appears on VET profile in admin portal.

    July 8 2020

    Accepted file types m4a files now accepted for upload for file submission activity and exam questions.

    July 2 2020

    Corporate Portal Dashboard Problem resolved so student training data shows on dashboard.

    Voucher Codes Fixed faulty counter so vouchers cannot be used beyond their set limit.

    July 1 2020

    Transitory Certificates Fixed problem with transitory certificates that had been 'ignored' still appearing in certificate queue.

    LTI Tool Activity Type New optional configuration parameter added 'Consumer Key'.

    Certificate Queue Improvement to performance, security and resolution of minor bugs.

    Performance Optimisation Across student, assessor and admin portals.

    June 2020

    June 10 2020

    Branding manager You can now define the PARENT organisation of any org on their admin profile portal. There is a new field on the left under 'internal reference' that can be populated with whom the parent organisation is.

    Report --> learner engagement New field for 120 days has been added.

    Branding manager New dashboard view showing each organisation's ID in a new column, the edit button now opens in a new tab, and if an organisation has a parent ID defined, it will tell you this under the business name.

    Invoicing When raising or editing an invoice, if you look up and select a corporate client recipient who is the child of a parent org, IF the child does not have their own special instructions and invoice terms defined, it will automatically pick up those of the parent.

    Timetable view The private timetable view now shows the departmentname (where an organisation and coordinator are defined in the timetable item specifications.

    Trainer portal If a unit has only one pathway assigned at timetable level, in the trainer portal the name of this pathway will also now show.


    May 2020

    May 14 2020

    Student profile - messages tab Filters and additional search options applied to student profile --> messages tab to view communications not only to student but also in relation to parties involved with student's enrolment. Legacy messaging settings can be enabled by going to SETUP --> SYSTEM DEFAULTS --> VIEW tab and checking the box. This will provide 3 tabs - messages, sys messages and email/sms.

    Student portal Unit codes now appear in front of unit titles in student portal.

    Activity types Non-compulsory activity types (which students historically ticked off to mark 'complete' on their side) will no longer be sent to the assessor portal to verify and are automatically marked as complete.


    April 2020

    April 28 2020

    Pathways on assessor portal


    Pathways are now viewable on the assessor portal


    4968_assessor pathway.jpg


    April 29 2020

    Pathways on trainer portal


    Pathways are now viewable on the trainer portal



    March 2020

    10th March 2020

    Nat File Generator

    On REPORT > RTO COMPLIANCE You can now see your most recently generated NAT files. The list shows date generated, which user generated it, the filter selections, top level stats (number of students and NAt120 lines in the set), a re-download button and tick boxes so users can indicate the a set is a) error free and/or b) successfully lodged. If these are ticked, hovering over the tick will display who ticked it and when.



    Certificate Custom Fields Internal reference and custom enrolment form fields now display on certificates (SETUP > CERTIFICATES > MY TTEMPLATES > EDIT > DISPLAY TAB)


    Contract Renewals

    Contract renewal dates are now displayed under SETUP > MY ACCOUNT > NEXT AGREEMENT RENEWAL (top grey box)


    February 2020

    February 27th 2020

    Additional Fields Added to Certificate Editor

    Go to SETUP > CERTIFICATES > MY TEMPLATES > EDIT desired template > DISPLAY INFO tab

    New Field Option:

    Dates(s) of attended sessions(s): Shows a list of dates attended.

    Optional Additional Fields

    Internal Reference: Tick the checkbox and enter data into the Custom Label field.

    Custom Fields 1: Tick the checkbox and enter Field name, Custom label.

    Custom Field 2: Tick the checkbox and enter Field name, Custom Label.


    February 18th 2020

    Student Portal Question Submissions

    In student portal, if a question response cannot be successfully submitted - for whatever reason - the grey screen will go away and an error message will be presented. This will allow the student to save their work out to Notepad or Word so it is not lost when they refresh the page. Particularly relevant to long written text response



    Login Attempts

    After 4 unsuccessful attempts to log in (if you try the same incorrect USERNAME 4 times) You have to wait 3 min before trying again.



    Personal Profile Field Lock

    If USI has been validated, the fields for student first name and last name, DOB and USI now lock for student portal access (can still be overridden by admin as there are occasions when this is legitimately required - eg change of name - or erroneous manual USI validation)



    February 10th 2020

    Log in screen

    After the word User name on the end user login screen, there is now the word (email) - to help prevent calls from users who say they don't know their user name (not realising its their email address)



    Contact Log

    New reason type in Contact Log in Student Individual Profile - Course Fees


    Attendance Sheets

    Attendance Sheets The Timetable Item ID and Session ID now appears on the printable attendance sheet PDFs for trainers and admin.


    January 2020

    January 22nd 2020

    Export Invoices

    New invoice export option under CONNECT > EXPORT > MS EXCEL. See the Invoice export 2 file option. This combines invoice and invoice line item data on a single file.


    January 20th 2020

    Dynamic Field for Templates When the dynamic tag "[session_info]" is used in a confirmation template, each session will now display the course title as well as date/time/venue info. This is particularly relevant to bundle bookings.


    Un-Sign Student Declarations

    If a student or Admin user has signed the Declaration in error, you can undo this:

    1. Go to the Timetable item, manage students list and click ADMIN GRADING.

    2. Select the unit and the activity. Click SELECTED ACTIVITY OUTCOME EDITOR button.

    3 Change the student result to 0 grade, PENDING outcome and remove the completion date. Press SAVE GRADING UPDATES.

    4. Open the student's progress tracker (can be done from same page - see little icon in front of the person's name). Open the unit outcome editor by clicking the outcome icon. Change it to IN PROGRESS and remove the completion date.




    Uploaded Files Manager - URLs

    When you click on the three vertical dots to open up the file properties, you will see that you have the option between a regular URL and also a SHORT URL that is created for each file. Short URL's make it easier to share links if necessary.

    If its a video type file, that short URL link will take you to a page that we host where a video player is embedded and the target file will play (never download). It should eliminate problems around not being able to view video content and to prevent/disuade downloading of proprietary video content.


    Custom Report Generator

    New tickbox added to Custom Report Generator "Voucher activity only". When ticked, the report will only show bookings where a voucher was used.


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