Advanced Student Editor - Funded Training Fields
If a student's training is funded, it must be marked here in the Advanced Student Editor, for AVETMISS reporting purposes. This funding information must be manually entered for each student, using the method below.
1.FUNDING Button
Click the EDIT icon underneath the Funded heading, to enter the funding details.
2. Funding Details
Answer YES to the question about whether the training is funded or not.
Add any relevant funding information, including the funding source, and any other details.
- Funding Source (National) - (AVETMISS field name "Funding Source - National" - NAT00120)
- Training Contract ID - (AVETMISS field name "Training Contract Identifier" - NAT00120)
- Apprenticeship ID - (AVETMISS field name "Client Identifier - Apprenticeships" - NAT00120)
- Specific Funding ID - (AVETMISS field name "Specific Funding Identifier" - NAT00120)
- Funding Source Code - (AVETMISS field name "Funding Source - State Training Authority" - NAT00120)
- Purchasing Contract ID - (AVETMISS field name "Purchasing Contract Identifier" - NAT00120) In South Australia this field should be populated with the SA High School Certificate ID (SACE ID - 6 digits followed by 1 alphanumerical character).
- Secondary School ID - (AVETMISS field name "Attended Hours (SA ONLY)" - (NAT000120)
- Purchasing Contract Schedule ID - (AVETMISS field name "Purchasing Contract Schedule Identifier" - NAT00120)
3. SAVE When updated and saved, the icon will turn orange and be ticked:
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