What is a WYSIWYG Editor?
It refers to an interface design that allows you to see exactly what your final output will look like while editing it. Our WYSIWYG lets you easily create and edit content, formatting, and layout without knowing the underlying code or having technical skills.
The output will be displayed on the screen like it will appear on the web page or email communication, saving time and making the editing process more intuitive and user-friendly.
The WYSIWYG Editor
[1] Undo/Redo - The Undo and Redo features let you remove or repeat single or multiple actions, but all actions must be undone or redone in the order you did or undid them – you can’t skip actions.
[2] Customise Text - Change the style, font, or font size. Make text bold, in italics, strikethrough, or underline.
[3] Ellipsis Icon (Three Dots) - Used to indicate incompleteness. Clicking this icon will let you see additional functionality that may not be initially visible.
Ellipsis Icon Menu
Once you click the ellipsis icon, you will be presented with additional options.
[1] Hyperlink - Click where you want the link, or highlight the text you want to link. Then click the Link icon to add a Hyperlink and choose whether you want the link to open in a New Window or the Current Window.
[2] Embed an Image - Embed an Image by referencing a URL for a Public Website, Google Drive, DropBox or One Drive.
[3] Embed a Video - Embed a Video by referencing a URL for a Public Website (E.g., Vimeo or Youtube), Google Drive, DropBox or One Drive.
[4] Add a Table - Organise information in a document or presentation with a table. You can add and delete tables and adjust the size and style of table rows and columns.
[5] Spellcheck - Designed to locate misspelled words and notify you of the misspellings.
[6] Accessibility Checker - The Rich Content Editor includes an accessibility tool that detects common accessibility errors within the editor. You can use the Accessibility Checker to design course content while considering accessibility attributes. This tool only verifies content created within the Rich Content Editor.
[7] Spellchecker Languages - Choose the language for which you want to spellcheck.
[8] Text Alignment - Choose left, centre or right to align the text to the page.
[9] Line Spacing - The distance between the lines of text.
[10] Bulleted List - The first option is a checklist, the second a numbered list and the third a bulleted list.
[11] Indentation - Choose to increase/decrease the Indentation of the paragraph. To indent is to begin the text with a blank space between it and the margin. To decrease is to do the opposite.
[12] Emojis - An emoji selector that provides a simple and efficient way to add emojis to your content. You can also open the emoji keyboard dialogue; start by typing the “:” character and then the name of the emoji (“smile”, for example). You can then navigate the dialogue that opens with arrow keys and the return key to select the emoji you need.
[13] Special Character - A special character is a character that is not alphabetic or numeric.
[14] Clear Formatting from Text - You can remove text formatting like font, size, and colour to return text to its default style. It's an easy way to start with a clean slate and apply the formatting of your choice.
Dropdown Menu
[1] File Menu - Preview or Print your content.
[2] Edit Menu - Undo/Redo, Cut, Copy, Paste or Search and Find.
[3] View Menu - Source Code (view the HTML), turn on Visual Aids or Spell Check, show Paragraph blocks and Preview.
[4] Insert Menu - Image, Link, Media, iFrame, Code Sample, Table, Special Characters, Emojis, Horizontal Line and Page Break.
[5] Format Menu - Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike Through, Superscript, Subscript, Code, Text and Background Colours.
[6] Tools Menu - Enable Spellcheck, Autocorrect or Capitalisation, Spellcheck Language selector, Accessibility Checker, Source Code and Word Count.
[7] Table Menu - Add a Table, Cell Properties, Row Properties, Sort, and Table Properties.
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