Released: September 2017
Daily Statistics
Below today's date, a daily snapshot of what is happening in your Vasto system that day runs across the top of the dashboard. Click into a section to access more detail.
Vasto Admin Portal Set Up
All new subscribers will see the Vasto Admin Portal Set Up Bar at the top of their Admin Portal - Once you have your logins, you can begin checking items off this list.
A percentage bar will keep track of your progress.
Completing these tasks will complete your Admin Portal Set Up.
Alerts and Messages
Types of alerts and messages you might receive:
- A new student self-enrolment.
- A new student self-enrolment where the student has not yet paid.
- A new student manual enrolment.
- A new Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) claim being received from a student.
- The student's maximum course completion time has expired.
- A new time extension request is received from a student.
- Corporate client request for training.
To view all alerts and messages, press the VIEW ALL button in the top right corner.
Simply tick the blue ACKNOWLDEGE NOW button to clear the alert/reminder from your Dashboard.
NOTE: New Enquiry Alerts Highlighting - "New Enquiry" and "Complaint" type alerts will appear in a different coloured font on your administration dashboard. This is to distinguish them from other procedural system-generated alerts.
Actionable Items
Usage and Limits
Track the number of active Vasto administrators and active unit enrolments here:
Policies/Support/Vasto Software Pty Ltd Information
This area allows you to find additional support and resources when using Vasto. Useful features include:
- The FAQ section, where common questions have been added with answers for you
- The End User Guides for Students, Assessors and Trainers:
- The Vasto Software Knowledge Base - You can easily search for any word/term/phrase in the search area and you will see a list of results that are related to your search. Use this area just like Google!
- Report any bugs for our IT team to fix.
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