AVETMISS Reporting Overview

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  What is AVETMISS? 

AVETMISS stands for the Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard. It is a national data standard that ensures the consistency and accuracy of vocational education and training (VET) information and covers the national VET data collections:

  • the National VET Provider Collection
  • the National Apprentice and Trainee Collection
  • the National VET in Schools Collection
  • the National VET Funding Data Collection.

AVETMISS (NAT files) can be generated with ease from Vasto Educator. Files may be generated in the National standard format required by the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER) for Total VET Activity (TVA) reporting, or in various State Training Authority (STA) AVETMISS versions.

In Vasto, AVETMISS files can be generated under Report → RTO Compliance.


Where, When and How Do I Report My AVETMISS Data?

The Total VET Activity (TVA) legislation defines that all accredited training in Australia must be reported to the National Centre for Vocational Education Research (NCVER). If you have no STA funding contracts, report all your accredited training data directly to the NCVER via their AVETMISS Validation Software.

State Training Authorities (STAs) pass data received from RTOs onto the NCVER on your behalf, so there is no need to include data pertaining to funded data in your National submission to NCVER. Additionally;

  • If you have a funding contract with the STA in VIC, QLD, SA, ACT, TAS or the NT, Fee for Service (non-funded) data will be accepted in your submission to them, and there is no need to produce separate AVETMISS NAT files.
  • If you have a funding contract with the STA in NSW, you must only report funded enrolments in your claims. A separate AVETMISS submission must be produced for all non-funded training in NSW to be reported directly to the NCVER via their AVETMISS Validation Software.
  • Vasto does not currently support funded training in WA.


What Data is Required in Vasto to Produce my AVETMISS Files? 

For records to appear in your AVETMISS submission, a student will require an Enrolment in accredited Units of Competency with a valid Status.

Common reportable statuses include:

  • In Progress
  • Completed (verified)
  • RPL
  • Recognition of Current Competency

  • Credit Transfer

  • Withdrawn
  • Failed

Units with New and Pending Commencement status are not included in most AVETMISS submissions. These statuses report an AVETMISS Outcome Code that corresponds to the Training Activity taking place. 

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