Isn't there a National Data Standard?
Even with the National data standard (AVETMISS), reporting requirements vary greatly between each State and Territory Training Authority. If you have a funding contract you must report additional data in specific ways to meet your data reporting obligations.
This Help Centre article serves as a brief guideline of key Jurisdictional specifics when dealing with enrolments, so that our Total VET Reporting obligation may be met.
Regardless of the state, funded enrolment information is accessed via the cogwheel icon next to the enrolment
This launches the Advanced Student Editor
Here the Basis, Funded, Traineeship and VET popups allow us to complete specific enrolment details.
Most funded enrolment details are entered within the Funded option, which launches the Funded Training Information panel
Key fields applicable for all states are
- Is this training funded?
- Is this a concession booking?
- Funding Source (National)
- Funding Source Code (State training authority)
Many State and Territory Training Authorities (STAs) require additional data to be entered, or vary the use of common fields, these are described in detail in the section below.
Funding Body: Skills Victoria
Reporting System: Skills Victoria Training System (SVTS)
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
Development is currently underway for Vasto to fully support the SVTS reporting requirements.
Funding Body: Training Services NSW
Reporting System: STS Online / email
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
Smart and Skilled Specific Enrolment Details:
Smart and Skilled enrolments are paid on a progression basis, with commencement, partway and completion payments made against an eligible enrolment based on unit completion rates.
In order for a student to be eligible to recieve Smart and Skilled funding, they must have a Commitment ID issued to them. The RTO must follow the Smart and Skilled Provider Calculator process on STS Online and undertake a Notification of Enrolment to recieve a commitment ID for a student.
- Any enrolment missing a Commitment ID will not be accepted by the Department
- All units must have a start and end date reported
- Those units which have not yet commenced will be reported with planned start and end dates
- Once funding has been completed for an enrolment, it must be removed from the NAT files in future submissions
- Located on the Funded popup of the Advanced Student Editor
- Under the NSW Funded Training section, select 'Yes' for Smart and Skilled enrolment
- The ‘Commitment ID’ is also entered here
- The 'Funding completed' flag allows for the enrolment to be removed from subsequent submissions
Adult and Community Education (ACE) Funded Enrolment Details:
The NSW ACE provider must submit AVETMISS compliant data for all training activity including non-accredited via email quarterly. See the ACE Provider Operating Guideline for full details.
The Training Activity Data submitted must include:
- Unique Student Identifier
- Student details including
- name
- date of birth
- gender
- Contact details should be included including
- mobile telephone number
- email address
- Qualification national code, all Unit of Competency names and all Unit of Competency national codes for accredited Units/Module enrolment
- Program identifiers and subject identifiers for unaccredited Units/Module enrolment
- Start and end dates for each Unit/Module enrolment
- The expected (“Scheduled”) hours of Training for each Unit/Module enrolment
- Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning
- State Training Authority "Funding Source" code (as set out in these ACE Provider Operating Guidelines or as otherwise stated on an Activity Schedule).
Funding Body: Department of Education, Small Business and Training (DESBT)
Reporting System: Partner Portal
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
Queensland Specific Enrolment Details:
Located on the Enrolment Unit Outcome Editor
- Client Tuition Fee (Additional Fees ($))
- ‘Pre-qualified Supply No (PAS)’ is created as a Funding contact in Vasto and selected on the Funded Training Information page of an enrolment as Purchasing Contract ID
Funding Body: Department of Training and Workforce Development
Reporting System: Resource Allocation Program for Training (RAPT)
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
Western Australian Specific Enrolment Details:
- Does not use AVETMISS 8 files. Uses simplistic Student and Enrolment files not currently supported by Vasto.
Funding Body: WorkReady
Reporting System: The Student Training Enrolment Logistics Application (STELA)
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
Funding Body: Skills Tasmania
Reporting System: Files are emailed to a Skills Tas Representative
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
Tasmania Specific Enrolment Details:
- Located on the Vasto VET profile
- Client Industry of Employment
- Client Occupation Identifier
- Income Contingent Loan Indicator
How do we do these?
- Program Commencement Date
- Program Enrolment Identifier
- Program Status Identifier
- Located on the Enrolment Unit Outcome Editor
- Client Resource Fee (Reportable Tuition ($))
- Client Tuition Fee (Additional Fees ($))
Funding Body: Skills Canberra
Reporting System: ACT Vocational Education and Training Administration Records System (AVETARS)
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
ACT Specific Enrolment Details:
- For Apprentices and Trainees, the Client ID from AVETARS is recorded on the Traineeship popup of the Advanced Student Editor.
- The number before the '/' is entered into the Apprenticeships Client ID
- The Number after the '/' is entered into the Training Contract ID
- For Skilled Capital funded enrolments, the ‘Student Record ID’ is entered on the Funded popup of the Advanced Student Editor
Funding Body: Workforce NT
Reporting System: Northern Territories VET Provider Portal
Reporting Documentation/Resources:
NT Specific Enrolment Details:
- Resource Agreement is created as a Funding contact in Vasto and selected on the Funded Training Information page of an enrolment as Purchasing Contract ID
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