To set up a Paypal account for student payments, you will need to set up a Paypal Business account. Go to PayPal Setup to set up your account.
Click on 'Open a Business Account'
You will need to register an email address and enter your business details such as ABN, Business address, authorised users etc.
NOTE: If you don't have all the information with you, you can complete it later and just register with an email for now.
Then go to your Dashboard to SETUP > BILLING SETTINGS You will see the PayPal set up area directly under the eWay set up area.
Once the PayPal account details are populated, click the button to activate payments. This is located in a banner at the top of the Billing Settings page (Setup > Billing Settings)
When payments are activated online enrolment via timetable widgets and share links will contain payment details and the payment gateway is available to select for checkout. Students will also see the billing menu in their student portal.
Test Transaction
A test transaction is not required for successful setup of PayPal.
It's not required in the sense that it's not enforced as a mandatory step in order for the payment integration with PayPal to be successfully activated and enable a payment to be processed.
Other payment gateway integrations we support will enforce a test transaction, and as such this is built into the account setup for these integrations where this is enforced as a mandatory step.
You could set up and process your own test transaction internally to be sure that the PayPal gateway is connected and working properly as necessary.
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