MYOB and others

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Exporting Financial data (Including MYOB) 


General Ledger Codes

GL Codes can be found inside the course specifications, unit specifications and training venues.



Go to SETUP > TRAINING VENUES, go into any venue, you have the option to enter a default General Ledger code for training delivered at this location. These fields won't show if Xero enabled.


Branding Manager/Organisation

Go to the Brand/Client and add in the Internal Reference




Go to any course/unit and click onthe PRICE tab you will see the General Ledger code and the sub-account code fields. (Enter the 3 letters that denote the course or unit specifications to appear as the sub-account on your invoice exports.)



When timetabling an instance of a course, Go to MANAGE > TIMETABLES and edit into the timetable item you wish, by default, under the Applicable Tax heading, you will see the GL Code and Inventory code. When you enter the course or unit title in your timetable, it will pick up the GL code that you entered in the PRICE tab in either courses/Units previously entered. You can override this if required. Then select the Inventory Code for the delivery of the course at the location stated, from the dropdown. This information flows through to your invoice export reports.



Go to CONNECT > EXPORT > MICROSOFT EXCEL Tab, select INVOICES from the options shown.

Set the invoice issue date range

Choice of two files exported or three:

If you select 2 files option:

This combines invoice and invoice line item data on a single file.


When you choose three to be exported, you get:

1. An Invoices file

2. Invoice Line Item

3. Invoice Payments field file


IMPORTANT You need to allow your broswer to allow this.

In Chrome, go to Settings > Advanced > Privacy & Security > site Settings > Pop Ups and Re-directs > then either allow for everything or disallow but allow for

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