The student and trainer links allow you to search your partner database for specific students, as well as see a listing of assigned trainers.
My Students
You can search for a student by their name, or parts of, as well as a phone number or email address. Once the relevant students are loaded. From there, you can click on the person icon to view the student's profile and any enrolments the student has. The paper aeroplane icon allows you to send login details to the selected student, and finally the envelope icon allows you to send a message to the student's portal.
My Trainers
Similar to your students, you can view a trainer's profile, send login details, or send them a message.
Underneath the current trainers, you can REQUEST a new trainer by clicking on the REQUEST TRAINER button. This will send an alert to the parent RTO that a partner has asked permission for a new trainer to be granted. You can also see a list of any trainers you have already asked permission of the RTO to train for you that are pending approval, or you can cancel the request.
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