In the widget enrolment process, students are able to browse and enrol in available timetable items via a small web frame, which is displayed on your website.
What is a widget?
A widget is web frame which you can create in the Vasto system, and then embed it on your website. A timetable widget shows up-to-date information about courses you're offering, and allows students to immediately enrol into their choice of scheduled timetables online.
Many of the widget's properties, such as its size and colour scheme, can be customised to suit your individual needs.
NOTE: Widgets are a paid additional feature.
How to Create a Timetable Widget
- Navigate to Connect > Widgets
- In the Add a Widget section on the left of screen, select Timetable from the drop down menu
- Provide a Unique Name for this widget. This is for admin reference only, it is not displayed anywhere on the widget. It is intended to help an admin user identify the widget from the widget collection.
- Once you have selected the widget type and provided a unique name, click continue.
The widget editor is now open on the right side of screen, where you can customise your widget display and settings.
Widget Editor Settings
Type & Unique name - these cannot be edited, but are displayed.
Brand - if using sub-brands, select which brand enrolments via this widget should have applied.
Display title - this text will appear at the top of the widget frame, and will be visible to anyone viewing the widget on your website. Leave blank if you do not want to use a title.
Size - If you are using iFrame code to install the widget on your website, choose the size of the widget in pixels, horizontally (width) and vertically (height).
Fields to show - select which of the fields you would like the widget to display
Filters - select which filters you want to provide. If you do not select any, a list of all available courses in date order is what the widget will display
Options - advanced filtering to limit this widget to display only timetables that;
- Location state filter - have a venue location within the state selected here
- Location venue filter - are at a specific venue as selected here
- Course bundle filter - select the bundle this widget allows enrolments into. Only timetables for the courses or units in this bundle will display*
- Course title filter - are for a specific course as selected here*
- Unit title filter - are for a specific unit as selected here*
*These options cannot be used in conjunction with each other.
Options (continued) - advanced filtering to limit this widget to display only timetables that;
- Keyword filter - contain this keyword. (Keyword matches derived from any of the following fields; timetable item ID, course/unit internal title, course/unit recognised title, timetable admin descriptor, timetable free text, BDM surname, course/unit code, internal code, venue description)
- Category filter - are set to the category as selected here
- Faculty filter - are set to the faculty as selected here
- Corporate customer - are private timetables for the specific corporate client as selected here
(You may want to provide the widget code to your corporate client to display on their own websites, or create specific widgets on your own website for your corporate clients)
Auto-apply voucher - provide a voucher code and this voucher will automatically apply to all enrolments made via this widget. Useful if you have a sale with a blanket discount which should be automatically applied.
Integrate enquiry form - if selected, this will show the selected enquiry form directly below the timetable component. If the student cannot see training which meets their needs, they can easily submit an enquiry.
Open enrolment form in new tab - when they click enrol against an available timetable item the enrolment form will open into a new tab, rather than the current tab
Show border - display a border around the perimeter of the widget frame
Show title - display the widget title in the widget itself
When you are finished, click Save.
Preview Widget
At the bottom of the widget editor, there is a preview button.
Click this to 'preview' what the widget would look like and see which timetables will flow into it.
Make sure that you have saved any changes to apply your settings to the rendered preview.
A pop-up will open which is fully interactive and allows you to preview exactly how the widget would look when installed on your website.
See below for example where filters are used.
See below for example where viewing a list of timetable items.
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