The Individual Profile is automatically generated when a new student enrolment is made, or it can be created when adding a new individual profile into Vasto (with no enrolments). It contains a collection of information which relates to a particular user, such as their enrolment history, contact details, address, VET information, etc.
An standardised individual profile is created for all types of users; trainers, co-ordinators, students, etc. Some of the fields on an individual profile may apply to only one type of user (e.g. students) and not the other role types.
Locating an Individual Profile
Please see help page for using Find Quick Search or other pages on Searching Students & Enrolments.
User Details
Person ID
The user's unique Vasto System Person ID is located top left of their profile, as well as the date and time stamp when their profile was last updated.
Login Details
Username, password and student portal URL (which they use to login) are listed at the top of the individual profile.
Click the Login details to user button to re-send these to the student via email.
Edit Login Details - Change Username or Reset Password
- Click the [change] text next to an existing username to change the email address linked to this account.
- Click the [reset] text next to an existing password to change the password.
You can choose to set a specific password, or assign a randomly generated password
NOTE: After changing a password, you should click the Login details to user button to send an email to the user containing the new password details.
Login as User
This function allows admin users to login as a student and view the student portal exactly as the student sees it. This is useful so you can understand where a student might be stuck and assist them with any issues they may experience using the student portal.
NOTE: When an administrator logs as as student this activity is recorded in the activity log. The action will show in orange and note that admin logged into the account.
Message User
Easily send a message to a user by clicking the message user button. This will let you compose a new message with the user already selected as the recipient.
Change Profile Picture
To assign a profile picture or change an existing profile picture, click the choose file button and locate the image file on your device.
Once the desired image is selected, click the save button in the bottom right of your screen to apply the new picture.
User Personal Details
Personal details for this user are recorded on the left side of their user profile.
Populate the fields as necessary, and click the save button in the bottom right of screen.
Details that are recorded here include;
- Title
- First name
- Middle name
- Last name
- Suffix
- Commonly known as / preferred name
- Gender
- Country of birth
- Date of birth
- Unique Student Identifier (USI)
- State-specific student identifier
- Internal reference
- Alternate email address
- Phone numbers (home, work, mobile and fax)
Individual Profile Tabs
See separate help page that covers the functions of individual profile - tabs.
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