Merge Duplicate Profiles

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The Troubleshooter (Students) tool will find profiles with the same first and last names. They might be duplicate profiles for the same individual, in which case the troubleshooter tool allows you to merge these into a single profile with all their details and training records.

Important considerations when merging duplicate profiles

  • You can only merge two profiles if the first name and last name match exactly
  • You cannot merge two profiles where both have an enrolment in the same timetable item. If this is the case, one enrolment must be deleted before you can perform the merge.
  • Profile merges cannot be undone

How does merging student profiles work?

Mergers will take all data out of the 'Merge From' profile and apply these to the 'Target' profile.

Only one profile can be merged at a time. If more than one duplicate profile exists, you will need to repeat the process. 

The 'Merge From' profile will not be deleted from the system - the data (as described below) will be removed and merged into the 'Target' profile, leaving the 'Merge From' blank profile.

Best practice for preventing accidental ongoing use of the 'Merge From' profile after the merger would be to delete/remove the now blank duplicate student profile entirely. Alternatively, you could change the last name field on that individual profile page and append with "do not use".

What data will be merged?

The following data is moved to the target profile (all with any existing branding maintained):

  • Any enrolments
  • Any messages sent or received
  • All activity log data
  • Certificates issues or queued
  • Payments and payment requests
  • Invoices
  • All student portal in-progress data (skipped questions, bookmarks, sticky notes)
  • All course unit and curriculum activity data, submissions, history, outcomes and progress.

What data is not merged?

The following data is not merged, and will remain applied to the existing profile. 

  • AVETMISS profile
  • Email address

For this reason the target profile is typically the profile which contains a complete AVETMISS profile and the correct email address. If these details are not associated with the target profile it should be manually transposed. 

How to check for duplicate student profiles

  1. Navigate to Manage > Troubleshooter (Students)


  2. The first tab is the Duplicated Students tab, which displays a list containing any students that are potential duplicates.

    Their USI number, email address and date of birth are displayed to assist in distinguishing potential duplicates from those profiles that might legitimately be two separate students who happen to have the same first and last name.

    If the students are NOT duplicates and are, in fact, separate people with the same first and last name you can click the orange 'don't show these again' button to clear the duplicated student warning.

How to Merge Duplicated Profiles

There are two methods which allow you to merge duplicate profiles - you can use the Troubleshooter for students, or use the merge button on their individual profile. 

Troubleshooter (Students)

Continuing from the above topic 'How to check for duplicate student profiles'

  1. Click the blue merge profiles... buttonmceclip3.png

  2. Select a target profile - this is the profile which you want to keep, and all data will be merged onto. 


  3. Select the profile which you want data to be merged from. The data will be moved to the selected target profile
    NOTE: Only one profile can be merged at a time. If more than one duplicate exists, you will need to repeat the process. 

  4. Once the target and merge from profiles are selected, you can click the process merger button. 


  5. If there are any errors with the merge, these will display an alert in red text that will tell you more information as to how you can proceed. The most common error is when both profiles contain an enrolment in the same timetable item. 



Individual Profile

  • When viewing a student's individual profile, in the bottom right corner there is a merge button
  • Clicking this will run the troubleshooter for their specific first and last name combination, showing any possible duplicate profiles. 

  • Follow from step 4 above, selecting the target and merge from profiles and processing a merge as required.

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