How to Send the AQTF Survey for Employers

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Employers can be provided access to the AQTF survey by either sending them an email externally with the survey link, or by sending them a message via Vasto which contains a link to the survey and request to complete. 

  1. First, the booking must be linked to an employer.

    Refer to the help page on the booking editor for more information how to link an employer to a booking.

  2. When an employer is linked to a booking, there is a section for the AQTF feedback survey details.


  3. The survey link can be sent via Vasto (instructions continue below), or alternatively, the link is provided so that you may copy/paste the link into any external communication with this corporate client. 

  4. Click the send now button to dispatch an email from Vasto. This will be issued to the training coordinator that is linked in the employer information for this booking. 

  5. Once the AQTF survey has been sent by clicking the send now button, it will display the time and date stamp when the survey link was last sent to the corporate client coordinator.

    If required, the survey link can be sent again by clicking the resend now button.


  6. Below is the default Vasto template received by a coordinator when issuing the survey link via Vasto.


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