The booking editor is where you can view and make changes to the booking details. A single booking may contain multiple enrolments.
How to Navigate to Booking Editor
There are a number of ways you can navigate to the booking editor;
- Click the Edit Booking icon in the enrolments tab from a student individual profile
- Click the Edit Booking icon next to the desired student from the timetable manage enrolments view
- Click the Edit Booking icon next to the desired student from the manage enrolments view
Booking Editor
Course/Unit Details
At the top of the booking editor view are the details of the course/unit including;
- course or unit title, including a direct link to the course or unit profile when you click the [edit course/unit] text
- location for the booking
- start date for the booking
To the right, there are links to take you to the timetable manage enrolments view, or to edit the timetable item respectively.
Booking Details
Below the course/unit details, you can see the booking details including;
- who created the booking (admin user or via self-enrolment) and the date/timestamp
- unique booking reference ID
- date the booking was made - if necessary for reporting purposes this can be edited, but otherwise is the date as the date/timestamp recorded above
- cost per student
- payment status, including details for invoicing employer (if setting enabled for self-enrolments to nominate at point of enrolment that they would like their employer to be invoiced and they have provided these details.)
- payment exempt status
- record of voucher code used at point of purchase/enrolment (if supplied)
- purchase order reference (if supplied)
- assessor assigned at enrolment level (if applicable)
- branding for the booking
- training partner for the booking
Link a Booking to an Employer
Optionally, if the students on a booking should be linked to an employer you should supply the employer details.
This is particularly important if you are wanting to invoice the training to said employer, or wanting to run advanced reporting for your corporate clients as it provides the link between student and employer.
NOTE: The corporate client should be set up with a Vasto profile before you can link it to a student as their employer
- Begin by clicking the edit button
- Start typing the corporate client name in the business name field. Select the corporate client from the drop down menu.
NOTE: It is important that you select from the drop down, as this links the booking to the corporate client account.
- Click on the training coordinator name field, which will activate a pop-up list of coordinators. Click the select button for the coordinator you want to link to this booking
- The coordinator email will pre-populate, taking the email linked to the coordinator profile
- Click the save button to save your changes
Set a Booking as a Test / Dummy Booking
This is a hidden setting, which nominates the booking as a test/dummy booking. This is useful for admin testing purposes as dummy bookings do not;
- report for AVETMISS
- show in the timetable manage enrolments view
- count as a live enrolment taking a place in the timetable item
- return a result when using find quick search
- display in a corporate portal, if the student enrolment is linked to an employer / corporate client
- Click the edit button
- Use the drop down selector and change the system testing mode to yes. Click the save button.
- In the booking editor an orange bar will display indicating it has been set as a test/dummy booking
- On the individual profile in the enrolments tab orange text will display indicating it has been set as a test/dummy booking
Students Enrolled
The students enrolled section will show a list of student enrolments which are on this booking.
- Student name, with a link to open their individual profile
- Student date of birth
- Student email address
- Password - click the [assign] text to assign a password if one has not already been assigned
- Special Enrolment (if applicable) - displays the current status for the special enrolment. Click this to navigate to the special enrolments manager for this enrolment
- Stage, refers to whether the enrolment is a live current enrolment, or has been archived or hidden
- Progress, click on the progress tracker button to see detailed information on enrolment progress
- Cancel, click the
icon to cancel the enrolment
- Split, click the
icon to split the enrolment into it's own separate booking
Click the advanced student editor button to navigate to the advanced student editor (ASE) view.
Click the download transcripts button to open a PDF file containing academic transcripts for all students on this booking.
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