Super Grading

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The super grading function allows admin to quickly override student results, flagging all activities as complete and the unit outcome as competency achieved. This function is available for timetable items which have practical sessions set up on page 1 of the timetable item. 

How to Use Super Grading

  1. Navigate to the manage timetables view

  2. Select the students enrolled in this timetable who should have the super grading applied.

    You can do this one at a time by checking the box next to the individual student/s, or in bulk using the bulk tick selector located at the bottom of the student list.  


  3. Click the Super Grading button
  4. In the super-grading pop up optionally select to bulk apply the same enrolment, commencement or completion date to all selected students. Students who these changes will apply to appear in a list  on the right. 
    NOTE: For the tool to successfully apply changes, at a minimum the 'completion date' field must be selectedmceclip3.png
  5. Click the button to apply

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