Additional enrolment procedures allow you to define additional enrolment processes for students.
These additional instructions and any supporting documents will be presented to the student when they first log into the student portal and open their course. They must be submitted and verified by an administrator before the student can access course content and materials.
How to set up additional enrolment procedures
Additional enrolment procedures can be can be set up for enrolments into both courses and single units.
- Select the Enrol tab for the course or unit
- Tick the box to enable that 'This course/unit requires additional enrolment procedures'
Provide detailed instructions and describe what additional steps are required of the student, including timeframes for approval.
This text should give the student an adequate description about what they need to provide or do.
- Attach any relevant documents here which the student might need to reference or complete, such as application forms, templates or detailed instruction documents.
Special Enrolment Notifications
When a student has submitted additional special enrolment information, this will trigger a dashboard notification. Click on the text to navigate to the Special Enrolments Manager.
In addition to a dashboard notification. when a student has submitted additional special enrolment information it will populate a notification in the actionable items section of the dashboard.
Click on the number to navigate to the Special Enrolments Manager.
Managing Special Enrolments
- Navigate the special enrolments manager by selecting Manage > Special Enrolments, or by clicking on a notification of a new submission from the dashboard
The special enrolment submissions page will show all open submissions as the default filter. Use the status filter to view other categories - such as denied, accepted, not yet submitted, etc.
For each student you can see summary details. Click the edit icon for more information.
- Alternatively, you can navigate to a specific student's special enrolment submission from the edit booking view. Click on the status text to view the special enrolment details.
- Student name and contact details are available at top of the page for easy access. Click the student name to quickly navigate to their individual profile.
- Below the student details, you will see their Enrolment Submission information. This will include
- submission ID
- course title
- date and time submitted
- status of the submission
- any comments provided by the student
- any files provided by the student (click on the icon to view the file)
- Administrators should review the responses and files provided, and set the applicable assessment outcome from the available options
- Validated and approved (student can proceed and access their training)
- Denied (student does not qualify for the course - no access granted)
- Assessment in progress (further information requested - no access granted)
- To be assessed (pending administrator review - no access granted)
- Closed. Response time expired (Submission not made in time - no access granted. Enrolment suspended)
- Cancelled (Student withdraws their submission - no access granted)
- Administrators can upload files or save comments in relation to this special enrolment submission. These are not visible to students - and might be used to explain why a request was or wasn't approved.
Finally, if you want to notify the student of the outcome update, check the box to 'Send automatic Enrolment Assessment Outcome message to student now'.
If it is not necessary to update the student at this stage, or you wish to send your own personalised message click the button to 'save claim assessment update'.
The messaging section on the right of screen provides the ability to easily contact a student should you require further details from them, or if you would prefer to send a personalised message to advise them their submission is validated and approved.
Click the show message history button to see any previous messages sent to this student.
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