Create an Activity

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An activity is added to a unit, and comprises the learning content and assessments which a student needs to reference and complete to gain competency in the unit.

How to add an activity 

  1. Select the Activities tab


  2. Click the button to add activity


  3. In the TYPE tab, select which activity type you wish to create


  4. In the SPECS tab, configure the activity settings. Every activity type (with the exception of included competency) requires you to complete details in the SPECS tab.


    • Activity Title
      Title the activity - this is visible in the student portal, so use your internal language here. If a practical session is called 'classroom activity' for example, use this as your title.
    • Compulsory or Optional
      Select as applicable, optional activities do not need to be completed by the student in order to complete the unit whereas a compulsory activities do need to be completed
    • Credits
      Record the number of credits this activity is worth. This refers to the weighting and value of a particular activity (optional, internal use only)
    • Supervised or Unsupervised
      Select as applicable.  If the activity is both supervised and unsupervised, choose whichever option is more relevant (internal use only)
    • Passing Grade
      Specify (where applicable) what the passing grade is for the activity. 
    • Estimated time to complete
      Record the approximate time required to complete this activity (internal use only)

  5. Configure further details as necessary. See help page specific to each activity.

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