The manage enrolments screen allows you to locate a specific enrolment with a variety of search filters. You can also export a report to excel for enrolments over a certain period.
Manage Enrolments - Functions and Search
- Navigate to Manage > Manage Enrolments
- The manage enrolments page will display the 100 most recent live enrolments by default.
If there are multiple students on a single booking these will show in a group.
There may be an icon next to a student name;
- a disability icon where the student has indicated they have a disability on their VET profile
- a RPL icon where the student has indicated they will apply for RPL
- a globe icon where the enrolment is a CRICOS enrolment - If applicable, click the relevant button to view and search your archived or test enrolments.
- Use the filters to search for an enrolment - the default date range is for the past three years.
Once you have set your filters, click the icon with the magnifying glass to run your search. - Manage Enrolments search will display the following summary information for each enrolment:
- Booking reference - unique booking reference ID
- Booking date - date that the booking was entered into Vasto
- Brand - the brand this enrolment is associated with
- Enrolments - a list of individual students enrolled on the booking. Click a student name to view their individual profile
- Course/Unit - the code and title that the booking is for
- Timetable item - will show the location venue name. If there is no location will display n/a. Click the arrow icon to open the manage enrolments page for the timetable item
- Course start - shows the start date of the timetable item. If no specific start date applies, it will state immediate
- Price - shows the price per student
- Alerts - an orange warning icon will show if there is no assessor assigned to the booking. A green warning icon will show if the booking in unpaid.
- To view more information about the enrolment, use the eyeball icon to open the booking editor or the gear icon to open the advanced student editor.
- You can export the data into a Excel spreadsheet by clicking the Export to Excel button.
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