Detailed Enrolment Report

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The detailed enrolment report is a detailed record of student responses to the learning activities they are required to complete successfully to obtain competency.

This is useful to provide to students should they want a copy of their work, or for use in audit purposes.


How to Access the Detailed Enrolment Report

  1. Open the progress tracker for the student's enrolment
  2. Scroll down to progress tracker documents
  3. Click the download button to open the Detailed Enrolment Report PDF document

What Information is in the Detailed Enrolment Report?

Page 1 - Details of the Enrolment

The first page contains details of the enrolment including;

  • Student name
  • Course or unit title
  • Enrolment date
  • RPL status (claimed/not claimed)
  • Current enrolment status 
  • Terms & conditions (if these exist and have been signed, a link to the signed T&C's is available)

The first page also contains the students VET profile information

Page 2 - Pathways Map

Page two (and onwards depending on how much information there is to display) contains the pathways map and details on the core/elective units required to complete the training. 

These pages will list;

  • The units included in the course
  • How many core/elective units the student must complete to achieve competency
  • If a unit is core or elective
  • The activities in each unit (for the relevant pathway selected at timetable level)

Unit Work Log

The subsequent report pages contain the unit work logs for each unit within the course.

The report is broken into a section for each unit, which displays the following;
- Unit code and title
- Current unit status
- Unit start date
- Unit end date

The work log then records each activity the student is required to complete in that unit, and the passing grade they must achieve.

Where the activity is a file upload activity or exam activity, a question-by-question record shows;

- Question ID
- Question text
- Student response
- Date and timestamp when response was submitted
- Assessor name, this will say 'auto-assessed' if it is computer assessed question
- Date and timestamp when response was assessed
- Question assessment outcome 

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