2. Edit Relevant Booking
Locate the booking related to the student's RPL claim.
Click the Edit button to open the booking.
3. Advanced Student Editor
Click the Advanced Student Editor button.
4. Claim RPL
Click the RPL button for the relevant student.
5. Confirm Claim
Click YES to confirm you want to claim RPL on the student's behalf.
Click NO to cancel the claim process.
6. Confirmation Message
After this, you will see a confirmation message.
Choose one of the following options:
NOT NOW Click this button to either leave the student to prepare and submit the RPL claim themselves, or to return later yourself and prepare the claim on the student's behalf.
OPEN - This Window Click this button to open the RPL claim screen now, in order to prepare the RPL claim for the student, in the existing browser window.
OPEN - New Window Click this button to do the same as above, but in a new browser window instead.
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