How to Create Vouchers in Bulk

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Navigate to Voucher Management

Voucher management can be located from the menu via Manage > Vouchers


How to Create a Voucher

Vouchers can be added either one at a time, or uploaded in bulk using the provided spreadsheet. 

Create vouchers - in bulk

On the right-hand side of screen is the section to 'Upload Vouchers' 

  1. Per instruction, click to download the blank template


  2. Open the template file, populate with the voucher data and save the file. 
    NOTE: Follow any directions in the template carefully


  3. (Optional) If utilising a course, unit or corporate client ID, there is a quick look-up function to easily find the ID number. Click the 'find course codes' button. 


    This will open a pop-up where you can search for a course, unit or corporate client in the respective tabs, and obtain the ID number to use in the spreadsheet. 


  4. Click button to 'choose file' and locate your saved file with the voucher data.


  5. Once a file is selected, click the 'upload list' button


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