Authorised Trainer Report

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This report allows you to search by unit to establish which trainers and assessors are authorised to train and/or assess individual units. This is useful as an audit tool, and permissions can be altered directly via the report screen.


Using the Authorised Trainer Report

  1. Navigate to Report > Authorised Trainers via the menu


  2. Start typing a title or code in the box, then from the drop down select a course or unit


  3. Click the tick icon to add the selected item to the reportmceclip0.png

  4. If you select a course with multiple units, it will list all units within that course in the report.

    The report will display only the staff who can train or assess at least one of the units.
    mceclip0.pngRed check icon = Unauthorised to train
    mceclip1.pngRed hand icon = Unauthorised to assess
    mceclip0.pngGreen check icon = Authorised to train
    mceclip1.png Green hand icon = Authorised to assess


  5. Generate a report for multiple courses or units by returning to step 2 and continue to search and add additional courses/units. 


  6. To clear the current selections and start a new report, click the clear button mceclip2.png

Change the Authorisation to Train or Assess

Permission to train or assess a unit can be altered directly from this report.

NOTE: Any updates or changes made here will also reflect on the Trainer/Assessor's profile as well.
Visit the help pages on Assessor Details or Trainer Details for more information.

  1. Run a report following the steps above

  2. Mouse over an icon for more information. Double click the icon to change the authorisation status.

  3. Immediately the icon will change in colour to reflect what their current authorisations are

How to Save an Authorised Trainer Report

Report schema can be saved to quickly and easily generate the same report in future. This is useful if you are regularly running a report containing data for multiple courses or units.

  1. Run the report following the steps from the section on Using the Authorised Trainer Report

  2. Once all courses/units have been added click the button to save schema4412_.jpg

  3. Populate a title and click the save button

  4. To run this report in future, it can be located in the saved schema drop down box. Click the tick icon to run the selected schema.

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