Process: How to Add an Automated Message

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  What is an Automated Message? 

Automated Messaging is a feature that makes it possible to automate communications. 

The purpose of this article is to introduce you to automated messaging and show you how you can use it to streamline your communications and processes within the student management system. You can use Automated Messaging to set up actions that are automatically performed when specific triggers and conditions are met.

Here are some examples of the types of communications you can automate:

  • Course Reaches its Start Date → Send an Email.
  • Event is Upcoming → Send an SMS Reminder 2 Days Before Event Start Date.
  • Student Completes Course → Send an Email a Survey 14 Days Later.
  • Student Training is Expiring → Send an Email 90 Days Before Expiration to Prompt the Student to Book a Refresher.


Add an Automated Message

Before setting up an Automated Message, it's a good idea first to put together your SMS or Email Template. Don't worry; it's quite straightforward – just check out our helpful article titled "How to Add a Communication Template" for easy steps to get you started.

  1. Go to ManageMy Courses OR My Units.
  2. Click the Messages tab.
  3. Click + Add New.

  4. Complete the Create New Automated Message window and click, Save.

[1] Days: Input the number of days (numerical value only). This can't be left at 0, or it will not trigger. 

[2] Before/After: Select whether the automation is to occur before or after the trigger. 

[3] Trigger: Select the appropriate trigger using the dropdown menu to specify when you would like the system to execute the action.

  • Enrolment - This trigger occurs at the moment a student enrols. It's ideal for sending welcome messages to students joining a course (including course information) or for informing a Trainer/Assessor that a new student has been added to their class.
  • Session - This trigger is associated with events linked to a Practical Session. It's often used to remind students about an upcoming session they need to attend, to give details on what they should bring, or to explain the protocol if they are unable to make it.
  • Exam Completion - This trigger is activated from the Assessor Portal during Bulk Exam Marking. When an Assessor is using the Bulk Exam Marking function, they should choose 'All Assessment Complete' from the dropdown selector for the Exam Assessment Status in order for the trigger to function properly.
  • Assessment Completion
  • Time Limit Expiry - This trigger is linked to the 'Maximum Course Completion Time' value set for a Course or Unit. For instance, if a student has 30 days to finish the course, the Time Limit Expiry will be 30 days from their enrollment date. This trigger can be useful for reminding students who are nearing this deadline and haven't completed their course yet.
  • Enrolment Completion - This trigger occurs when the enrollment is marked as complete. It's a great opportunity to send students a congratulatory email with information about when they'll receive their certificate or to send a survey to gather feedback on their experience with the course.
  • Certificate Expiry - This trigger is linked to the 'Expiration of Qualification' value set for a Course or Unit. It's typically used to remind students about when they might need to schedule a refresher course to stay current, and it serves as an encouragement for students to come back for more learning opportunities.
  • Renewal Reminder - This trigger functions similarly to the Certificate Expiry trigger but with a key difference: it automatically excludes students who have already re-enrolled in the same course with the RTO, provided that the Course Code remains unchanged.

[4] Message Template: Select the communication template you previously created before starting this process. 

[5] Delivery Method: Decide if you want to send this message via SMS or Email.

[6] Deliver to: Choose who should receive this automated message. It's not just limited to students - you might want to send it to a trainer or an assessor instead.

[7] Completed Enrolments: Consider the nature of your communication – you might not need to include students who have completed their enrollment. Only check this box if your message is relevant to past students. This option is usually handy for sending reminders about training expiration or for post-course completion surveys.

[8] Send to a Group: If you leave this field blank, the message will go to all students enrolled in a Public Timetable. But if you choose an option from the dropdown, the message will only be sent to students whose enrollments are associated with the specified Corporate Client applied.


Common Questions

If you're choosing an Administrator as the recipient, can you specify which Administrator should receive this message?

No, these automated messages are directed to the Primary Administrator. To find out who that user is, please navigate to Set-UpAdmin Users.

Is it possible to prevent automated messages from being sent to a Student?
To stop automated messages from reaching a Student, you need to change their Enrollment Status to either Cancelled or Withdrawn, or you can delete their Booking.

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