Process: How to Add an Enrolment Confirmation Letter

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An Enrolment Confirmation Letter is a document which can be created and applied to a course by administrators, and can be viewed and printed by students. This feature is useful for students, who may want or need to prove that they have been enrolled in a course, such as for government provided student financial support. 


They can be created easily using a template in the administration portal, and the same template can be applied to multiple courses. This is achieved through the use of dynamic fields, which can automatically insert information such as the student's name, course details and duration, and your organisation's details into each letter.


Create Letter Template



2. Select the Enrolment Confirmation Letters templates.


3. Create New Template

Under the "Create New Letter Template" heading, enter a title for the template and click Continue.



Step 1: Edit Letter Template


1. Top Margin and Company Logo

Select the desired top margin. This is the total distance between the top of the page and the start of the text.

If you want to display your company logo (see next point) at the top of the letter, this distance should be large enough that the text doesn't overlap your logo. The minimum is 30mm.

Choose whether you want your company logo to appear at the top of the confirmation letter, and the circumstances where you want it to appear

On PDF for printing: This option determines whether the logo will appear on any print-outs of the confirmation letter

On PDF for sending via e-mail or downloading: This option determines whether the logo will appear in the digital file itself, which can be emailed or downloaded by the student.

You can choose one or both of these options; for example, allowing your logo to be hidden when printing, but visible when e-mailed.


2. Signature and Today's Date

Choose a signature, from the drop-down list, to display in the confirmation letter (if desired).

Choose the circumstances under which the signature will appear:

On PDF for printing: This option determines whether the signature will appear on any print-outs of the confirmation letter.

On PDF for sending via e-mail or downloading: This option determines whether the signature will appear in the digital file itself, which can be emailed or downloaded by the student.

Choose whether the current date will appear at the top left-hand corner of the letter.

If the student downloads or prints this letter, the date which appears here will be the date the student downloaded the file.


3. Body Text

Construct the body of the message, using text and dynamic fields.

Dynamic fields are placeholders which allow the system to populate the document with information from a particular course. This allows you to use the same template for many different courses - the letter is automatically populated by the information from the course settings, the student profile and your company profile. The only text which will stay constant is the normal text you enter.


The above body text will appear like this:


Possible Dynamic Fields to choose from:

Refer to the list on the right hand side of the template setup.



Step 2 Click the SAVE button, to save any settings you have already created. SAVE again later when any new changes have been made.

Step 3: Apply / Remove Template

Assign Letter Template to a Course / Unit

Choose which unit(s) / course(s) which the confirmation letter will be applied to. Any students in these courses or units will be able to see and use this confirmation letter, when accessing their student portal.


Add a Course or Add a Unit

Choose a unit from the drop-down list.

Click APPLY.


Repeat the process for multiple courses or units.

NOTE: At the top of the ENROL tab in COURSE and UNIT specification pages, you can now select the template you want to apply to Enrolment Confirmation Letters here.


Remove Letter Template from a Course / Unit

To remove the template from a particular course or unit, click the red X mark for the corresponding unit, which appears in the Application section.

This will not delete the template itself, it will only remove the template from the particular course or unit, so it will not be accessible to students.



Access Enrolment Confirmation Letter

A confirmation letter can only be accessed if one has been applied to the course/unit 

Access Letter as a Student

  1. Enrol or Login
    Either enrol (for first-time students), or login to the student portal (for existing students)

  2. Select the relevant course.


  3. Click the Enrolment Confirmation Letter link, underneath the course title, to open it.


  4. The document will open as a PDF, which can be downloaded or printed as required


Access Letter as an Admin

Administration users can also access this letter from the admin portal.

  1. Open the progress tracker for the student's enrolment

  2. Scroll down to progress tracker documents
  3.  Click the download button to open the Enrolment Confirmation Letter PDF document

FAQ: How many signatures can be used on Confirmation letters and Dynamic documents?

Up to 4 signatures can be uploaded in Vasto. Each signature can then be included or excluded from various letter templates, so you can control when and where they are used. To apply signatures to your confirmation letters, go to SETUP > TEMPLATES > CONFIRMATION LETTER and DYNAMIC DOCS, there is an option to choose NONE, ONE or ALL signatures to appear on the page.

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