Dynamic Documents exist for use with ELICOS courses. Click here to learn more about ELICOS courses.
They are similar to confirmation letters, except for general purpose use and can be used to mass-produce letters for things such as a warning letter for non-compliant attendance.
Creating a template
To create a dynamic document template, go to SETUP > TEMPLATES > Dynamic Documents.
1. Name your template, and select your preferences for your Dynamic Document using the tick boxes.
2. Use the following data to assist you with the Body Text in your document:
3. PREVIEW your document and check it is all correct and how you want it to look. Click SAVE if you are happy with your document, or you can click DELETE or BACK to edit.
Sending a dynamic document
2. Select the student/s who you wish to send the document to
3. At the bottom left of the page you can select your dynamic document template from the drop down box
4. Select to either open pdf(s) to download/print the letters, or (COMING SOON) email pdf(s) to send directly via email
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