Process: How to Add an Admin User

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An Administration (Admin) User is a user who has access to the Vasto administration portal (the subscriber portal). This user account allows the user to create and edit content, administer students and control many other functions.

Admin users' can be created with different levels of permissions and abilities. These abilities can either be set when the user account is created or afterwards.

The "Primary" admin user is the main user, and has the highest level of permissions. This Primary user can change permissions for all other users and also the permissions for their own account. "Regular" admin users can change permissions for each other's accounts, but not those for their own account or the Primary user's account.

There are also two tiers of users, tier 1 (of which the primary user is) can create tickets and have access to helpdesk support. tier 2 users do not have this access and must raise tickets internally via their tier 1 users.




2. Add New Administration User

Under the "Add New Administration User" heading, enter the user's full name, date of birth and their e-mail address

Important: The user's date of birth and e-mail address must be correct because they are used to identify the user in your records, and for the user to receive e-mail notifications. The e-mail address you enter must also be unique to this user


3. Permissions

Set the admin user permissions. Their ability to access or edit parts of the Vasto system can be restricted

Typically, if a user doesn't need to have access to a particular function or area of the system, they should not be given permissions to be able to access it (for security reasons).


Refer below table for a in depth explanation as to what each permission grants access to

When finished, click SAVE. You will now see the new user in the list with the existing users.

Permission Description
Create/Edit Learning Objects The ability to create and edit all aspects of courses, units, exams and questions. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the "My Courses", "My Units", "My Exams" and "My Questions" pages (in the "Courses" menu)
Edit Timetable The ability to edit existing timetabled items. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the "Timetable Settings" page for all timetable items (Manage > Timetables > "Edit" a timetable item). Without this permission, users can still create new timetable items, and can manage the enrolments within all timetable items, but can't access or change the settings for any existing timetable items
Produce Certificates The ability to generate certificates for completed students, or view existing certificates. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the "Certificates" page (in the "Manage" menu), as well as using the "Generate" button to create certificates within a timetable item. Without this permission, users can still assign certificate templates to / remove them from a course, and can still create and edit certificate templates
Export Data The ability to export data from the Vasto system, for use in CRM or accounting packages. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the Export page (in the "Connect" menu)
Access Reports The ability to create reports and run compliance data. This permission also allows users to access student activity and other reports. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the Custom Reports page (in the "Reports" menu)
Edit Main Settings The ability to edit the main account settings in the Setup menu (e.g. My Account, Branding, System Defaults). Users can still access the "Billing Settings" page without this permission. If this permission is not granted, it will also block the user from being able to add or create certificate templates, or change certificate settings. However the user can still generate certificates and access existing certificates (which are covered in the "Produce Certificates" permission
Training Partner Admin The ability to manage your account's training partners
Edit Training Settings The ability to edit training venues. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the Training Venues page (in the "Setup" menu)
Manage Enrolments The ability to create new enrolments, manage existing student enrolments using the Manage Enrolments page. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the "New Enrolment", "Latest Enrolments", "Manage Enrolments", "USI Workbench", "RPL Claims", "All Students" and "Student Troubleshooter" pages (in the "Manage" menu). Users are also blocked from accessing the "Manage Enrolments" page in all timetable items. Without this permission, users can still access the "Advanced Search" page without this permission, but can't open any student profiles
Manage Renewal Reminders The ability to manage reminders
Import Data The ability to import NAT files or other data into Vasto. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the Connect > Import page
Access Billing The ability to create and edit billing settings, as well as manage existing payment requests and invoices. If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the Billing Settings, Payment Requests and Invoices pages (in the "Setup" and "Manage" menus). Without this permission, users can still create manual payment requests within bookings, and can edit all payment details within timetable items
Manage Admin Users The ability to manage other admin users (except for their own account and the primary user account). If this permission is not granted, it will block the user from accessing the "Admin Users" page (in the "Setup" menu).
Affiliates Admin The ability to manage businesses which are selling courses on your behalf

4. Send login details to user

Admin users do not receive their usernames and passwords automatically when their accounts are created! In order to send an admin user an email with their login details:

a. Click the edit button next to the user.

Note: Primary account holder will need to submit a help ticket to reset their username or password as their account details are tied to billing and account setup information they cannot be self-edited.

b. Once their profile is open, click the LOGIN DETAILS TO USER button, which will send them an automated e-mail with their login details




Frequently Asked Questions

Question: I cannot add another admin user?

Answer: You have reached your contract limit for admin users. For additional licences please submit a help ticket with your request and a quote will be provided.

Question: Can an Administrator Log In As a Student?

Answer: Yes. It is important that administrators know that unless they enter a student profile using one of these links 'LOG IN AS USER' instead of just opening up their student portal manually and typing or pasting in the student's Username and Password - The ACTIVITY LOG will just look like the student logged in themselves. When administrators use one of these links they can filter out non-student activity from the logs. This is useful for auditing. Please see this link for more info: Individual Profile

Qusetion: We use a generic company email address and the staff member has changed. How can I change their admin login details?

Answer: If a generic email address is used for logging into an admin user account and there is a change of staff in that role, you could simply change the name and password associated with that admin user account. If the previous staff member had 2 factor authentication set up please submit a help ticket to have the previous 2FA details removed so the account can be linked to a new device for the current member of staff.

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