2. Enter Assessor Information
Under the Add New Assessor heading, enter the assessor's information:
First / last name
E-mail address
Date of Birth
Telephone numbers
Then click the CREATE button.
Important: Please make sure that the assessor's date of birth is accurate. This is important for ID purposes, and also helps prevent duplicate accounts.
4. Log In As Assessor or Send Login Details to Assessor
Note: Assessors and trainers do not receive their usernames and passwords automatically when their accounts are created. You must send these details to them in a separate step.
This username and password allows the assessor to access the Vasto assessor portal.
To do this:
Click the Edit button to edit the assessor's profile.
Click the LOGIN DETAILS TO ASSESSOR button, to send them an automated e-mail with their login details.
Click to LOGIN AS USER button to log in as Assessor
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