Working down the unit page, configure the unit settings - don't forget to click SAVE (bottom right corner) once you have made any changes.
Unit Titles
There are three options when providing titles for your course;
- Internal title - what the course is commonly referred as within your organisation
- Abbreviated title - a shortened title, with a maximum 45 characters
Recognised title - per for VET courses.
This maps to AVETMISS field "Program Name" in the NAT00030 file.
Unit Codes
There are three code fields;
- Internal reference code - this is a code you may use when referring to the course internally
National code - per for VET courses.
This maps to AVETMISS field "Program Code" in the NAT00030 file. - State code - See state guidelines for PROGRAM IDENTIFIER - LOCAL
USI Treatment
Choose whether you want the unit to be USI-exempt or not USI-exempt.
Certain short VET courses may be USI-exempt, meaning that students aren't required to provide their USI for the courses, and you are not required to report student USIs for the courses either.
When units are marked as exempt, students can still enter their USI at enrolment if they choose, but no validation is performed on the USI to check that it is correct.
(For the entire course to be USI-exempt, the individual units must also be marked as USI-exempt. If even one unit in the course is not USI-exempt, the students will be asked to provide their USI.)
This field is usually irrelevant for non-VET training, as students don't need to quote their USI for these units.
Important: It is your responsibility to determine if the unit is USI-exempt or not. Please use this function carefully.
Subject Flag
Specify whether the unit is a national or locally developed module - or a unit of competency per the National Training Register.
Qualification level & Qualification recognition
- Choose the qualification level of the unit.
(AVETMISS field name "Program Level of Education Identifier" - NAT00030)
- Choose the recognition level of the unit.
(AVETMISS field name "Program Recognition Identifier" - NAT00030)
Field of Education
Choose the field of education that the unit fits within
(AVETMISS field name "Program Field of Education Identifier" - NAT00030)
Registered Course Accrediting Body (RCAB)
If applicable, choose the course's Registered Course Accrediting Body (RCAB).
If this does not apply, you should select not accredited.
Expiration of Qualification
Choose the expiration period for the qualification.
If the qualification does not expire, select Non-expiring.
Learning Timeframes
Enter an estimated value for the fields below:
- Total time in training and assessment
- Supervised training and assessment (note: this is the "Nominal hours" field and will be included in AVETMISS NAT00030 files)
- Anticipated unit completion time
Maximum Completion Time
Where a maximum completion time is stipulated, this will require that a student complete their training within the defined time frame. (If no limit, leave this field blank)
Select whether the time begins from the date of booking, or from the timetable item start date.
Once the time duration has been exceeded, the student will be locked out.
Additional options exist which allow for a student to self-serve a time extension.
If there is also fee associated with a time-extension, they will be able to apply for an extension and check-out via student portal without any manual intervention from administrators.
If time extensions should no longer be accepted after a specific date (ie. end of teach out period) populate the final date where an extension would be accepted.
Delivery Mode
Select the main delivery mode for the unit.
Delivery Type
Select the Delivery Type/s for the unit
VET Identifier
Select whether the unit is a VET unit, or a Non-VET unit.
(AVETMISS field name VET Flag - NAT00030)
- It is important that all VET unit (which you intend to report) are correctly identified here as being VET. This setting affects how much data is collected from students when they enrol, as well as other details.
- If the overall course shell is marked non-VET, if it contains VET units, those VET units will still report, even though the course shell won't.
Delete, Save, Archive or Close
Save - Now that you have configured the unit settings, don't forget to click SAVE
Delete - This will delete the unit.
Archive - Will move the unit from your active unit list into the archive list.
See more information here.
Close - Click this if you want to close the unit creation page, and return to the My Units page.
Warning: If you click Close without saving, your most recent changes will be discarded.
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