Unit Tabs

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Activities are the learning content that a student must read, participate in and complete to achieve competency. 

This tab will show all activities within the course in the order they will be displayed to students in the student portal. Please refer to help page on how to create an activity for more information. 

NOTE: If no activities exist, the student will see a message saying 'Activities are not yet available for this unit'.



You can enable sequencing controls - the default selection is completed in any order.

  • Compulsory activities must be undertaken in sequence with completion verification
    An assessor must grade the activity as satisfactory, before a student can access the next one

  • Compulsory activities must be undertaken in sequence without completion verification
    A student must complete an activity, before the next one becomes available

  • Activities can be completed in any order

Advanced Options

You may wish to enable some of the advanced options at unit level


Treat compulsory practical activity sessions as short course sessions
Option to treat practical activity sessions created on page 2 of timetable editor in the same way that short sessions created on page 1 of the timetable editor are handled. When enabled practical sessions on page 2 of the timetable will;

  • Show as a list of sessions and their details at the top of the student portal
  • Be picked up by dynamic fields [session_info] and [session_dates_times] with the details listed in confirmation email.

Do not require signing of terms & conditions

When the unit is timetabled as a single unit of competency, the Terms & Conditions that are set up in System Defaults will not be presented to the student to sign. 

Disable feedback survey upon completion

When the unit is timetabled as a single unit of competency, the AQTF survey link will not be presented in the student portal for students that have completed this unit.

Pathways (Paths)


A Pathway is a collection of activities which a student needs to complete, in order to attain competency for the unit. You can create multiple pathways, which cater to different delivery modes.

This function mean you have just one unit with flexible delivery options - rather than multiple versions of the same unit to accommodate the different delivery modes offered.

For more information on creating and using pathways, CLICK HERE.


Statistics (Stats)


This allows you to see at a glance how many;

  • timetable items this unit appears in (active & archived)
  • students that are enrolled in this unit (total, completed and in progress)
  • other versions of the unit (with the same unit code) you have in your database.

Click the VIEW button for any statistic to show an itemised list with links to the student profiles or timetable items.





Tuition Fees

The default tuition fee amount(s) specified here will automatically populate as the unit fees for any new timetable items created for this unit.

You can create up to 4 separate fee amounts. Rate A is the default price or recommended retail price for the unit. Rates B, C, and D allowing you to auto-populate a discounted rate. At timetable level, you can allocate a coupon code which students can provide to receive a discounted enrolment fee.

Fees set here can be overridden manually when creating a timetabled item. If / when this unit is offered as part of a course, the course fee will override this unit fee. It is only applicable if timetabled as a stand-alone unit.


General Ledger (GL) Codes

If using an accounting package other than Xero, you can record financial codes specific to this unit.

This information will be included in your data exports allowing you to map against pre-set coding in your financial package, for the purpose of more in depth reporting and financial transparency

Prerequisites (Prereq.)


This is where you can record any prerequisite study requirements for the course. 

  • The free text description allows you to make notes and record information

  • The specific requirements section allows you to populate a list of specific prerequisite courses or units. You can select from a drop down list of courses/units which exist in your account, or add details of training that might be provided externally.

You can move the order of items in the list where multiple prerequisites exist. Mouse over an item and the cursor will show a vertical arrow. Now you can drag and drop the item in place.

To delete a prerequisite, click the X icon.


NOTE: Prerequisites recorded in these two spaces are not enforced onto students. It is intended as a place to record this information for administrative purposes.




  • Select the Enrolment Confirmation Letter template to be sent to students on enrolment
  • Select the Enrolment Confirmation Email template to be used 
  • Set the cut off time for self-enrolments into timetables with practical session/s
    After this time, students will no longer be able to enrol into this timetable via web widget or share link
  • Opt to collect more student profile & contact details at initial enrolment
    Immediately after completion of the standard enrolment form, students are directed to complete additional details (including gender, country of birth, telephone contact number, address)
  • Specify via the check-box if the unit requires Additional Enrolment Procedures




In the outcomes tab, you can record the elements and performance criteria for a unit. 

These criteria can subsequently be linked to a practical activity creating a checklist of outcomes that appear in the trainer portal, which a trainer will check off as being successfully demonstrated in the practical session. 

See LINK HERE for more detailed information on creating outcomes, linking these to a practical activity, how these are checked off in trainer portal, and results visible in student progress tracker.


Recognised Prior Learning (RPL)


Tick the box if you want to allow student's to claim RPL for this unit, where the unit is part of a course.mceclip4.png


Introduction (Intro)


The Intro tab allows you to create a custom introductory message about the unit.

You can also choose to upload introductory unit material here for the student, such as a Unit Guide.

These are displayed to a student at the top of their student portal page when they open the unit.



Note: Intro text or upfront learning material attached at unit level will only be available when a unit timetabled as a stand alone unit. When part of a course, these resources need to be added at course level.



In the messages tab you can set up automated messaging rules. The selected auto-message template will be sent to any students that meet the criteria defined by the rule. See separate page on automated messaging for more information on creating these. 





The details provided in this tab link to the course profile widget, which can be displayed on your website to provide unit information to prospective students. 

NOTE: If you don't wish a certain field to be visible in your course profile web widget, then leave the field entirely blank. Only fields with information will populate to the widget.

Copy Course Description From Another Course

You can copy the description from another course which already exists in your Vasto account. Select a course from the drop down menu. You can preview the details of the selected course before importing.

NOTE: an import will overwrite whatever you had previously entered into that course's description fields.

Custom Fields

You can add your own custom fields, in addition to the default fields. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click button to add new field. Adding a custom field is an account level change, and these fields will be added to the description tab for all courses and units. 

Please be careful before adding as you cannot delete these yourself. Plan the order of fields and titles carefully, as the order cannot be changed.


Certificates (Certs)


Add Certificate Templates & Preview

Select from the drop down box which certificate template/s to apply when students complete this unit.

There are four scenarios to select from where a certificate template will apply; you may choose to apply the same template for all scenarios or it might be the case that different scenarios call for using a different template.

  1. Public - certificates issued for public timetable items
  2. Private - certificates issued for private timetable items
  3. Partner - certificates issued for timetable items for partner accounts
  4. Branded enrolment - certificates issued for enrolments which are under another sub-brand (not the main RTO brand)

To preview which template will be used in each scenario, click the course type in the Preview Certificates area.


Advanced Settings

Tick the box to enable this setting, if you never want the unit to be displayed on certificates or transcripts





The resources tab allows you to keep all teaching resources in one central location. Trainers must have permission to teach the unit in order to view the resources in their trainer portal.

  • Click attach files button to upload files or attach existing files
  • Click the blue edit button to edit the document title
  • Click the orange X button to remove the file.
    (It will not delete the file from your library, just remove it from the unit)

A gold star next to the DATE ADDED indicates that it is a new addition (applied within the last 3 days).





  • Record details of the qualifications that you require trainers and assessors to possess in order to deliver this unit
  • Add a trainer or assessor to the list, meaning that they are qualified to train and/or assess this unit
  • View your trainers and assessors who currently have permission to train/assess this unit
    (They will be able to view training resources for this unit in the trainer portal)






Record any units which might be recognised as equivalent to this one, and which might be awarded for direct-credit and qualification renewals. Click the button to find, import & update to pull the data listed on training.gov.au website.

If the unit is no longer current, you can enter the nationally recognised unit code of that which supersedes it. This will in turn reflect in the units list and in the unit details that this unit is superseded. 

Note: the superseding unit must already exist in your database



Upgrades allow you to update the content of a unit, or update to a new version of a unit in an already-timetabled course into which students are already enrolled and in progress.

See the help page on how to edit, modify and upgrade a unit for detailed instructions on how to perform a unit upgrade and make changes to a unit which has live and historic students.


Industry / Quality Assurance (QA)


This tab allows a centralised location to record notes and upload files pertaining to industry standard and quality assurance information.

This might include any documentation relating to audits or consultation with industry experts that assist in the creation of this course such as TAGs, TASs, auditor feedback etc.




This tab allows you to manage special compliance reporting requirements for your course;

  • Enable setting to never include any activity in this course for AVETMISS reporting




Additional costs apply to purchase access to the Partners Module

This section allows you to manage training partner access to this see and deliver this unit.

Scope Selection Availability

Enable training partners to be able to see this unit in a drop down list within their partner portal where they can request permission to deliver the unit.

Authorised Training Partners

This section will show a list of partner accounts that have permission to deliver this unit, and a list of any with pending requests. 

There is an option to bulk provide permission to all partners, and to bulk remove permission for all.





Additional costs apply to purchase access to the ELICOS module

If you have the ELICOS module enabled, you can see the ELICOS tab at unit level where you can;

  • Tick the box to enable that this course is an ELICOS unit
  • Specify the total hours of training required to complete this unit



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