How to add an ad-hoc invoice

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To add an ad-hoc invoice, click MANAGE > Invoices...

... and then click the raise ad-hoc invoice button;

This will take you to the "Edit Invoice" page for a new invoice. Start by filling out the relevant details on the left side of the screen, and then click the Save button in the bottom-right corner of the page;

Once this has been done, the page will reload and you will see a new add item button;

This will load a pop-up panel where you can add details for a specific item on this invoice. Be sure to click the save button when you are done;

You will be returned to the Edit Invoice page. Now, you can click the edit icon for that invoice item...


... to link this specific item to an individual timetable item and/or booking;

Below is a screenshot of the booking to which we've just linked this item - note that the "Payment status" field is currently set to "Unpaid";

This means that when the invoice has been paid in full, which can be logged by processing a payment receipt on the "Invoice View" page...

... the booking's "Payment status" field will update automatically;

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