Process: How to Modify Payment Activation Date or Deactivate Payments

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If needed, you can modify the Payment Activation Date (the date that payments take effect from).

This is usually needed if payments have bee deactivated, and you want to reactivate them. The payment activation date is set by default as the date it was activated the first time.

Any students enrolled before this activation date will not receive any automatic payment requests, and those who enrolled after the date will receive payment requests. 


How to Modify the Payment Activation Date 

  1. Navigate to Setup > Billing Settings

  2. Click the edit date text 


  3. Choose a valid date to change the payment activation date to, using the calendar function. This can not be a future date, it must be today's date or earlier.


    Note: If you're using Firefox or another browser which isn't fully HTML5-compatible, you may not be able to use the calendar function. In this case, type the desired date in the format YYYY-MM-DD 


  4. Click the save button to save the changed date.


Deactivate Payments

If needed, you can deactivate payments in your Vasto account. This essentially turns off billing and payments within Vasto if all training should be free of charge or payments are managed externally. 

Any existing unpaid payment requests will be deactivated and allow all students to continue their study without being asked to pay. Students will no longer have access to the billing tab in the student portal.

Enrolment widgets will no longer have payment gateway connected to them.

Any existing payment requests will not be deleted - if payments are reactivated later this will reinstate any existing unpaid payment requests.

  1. Navigate to Setup > Billing Settings

  2. Click the orange deactivate payments button

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