View or Record Invoice Payments

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Depending on your workflow, payments may be automatically recorded against an invoice, or you may be required to log payments manually.

For example, if someone pays in cash then the payment will need to be manually recorded against the invoice, and the copy in invoice receipt emailed to the recipient. 


How to view payments against an invoice

  1. Locate and open the invoice in question.

    In the 'What do you want to do now?' panel click the text to 'View payments or process a payment receipt for invoice'


  2. Any existing payments will appear in a list on the left-side of screen.

    The total paid and outstanding balance is tallied below the list of payments. 


How to record payments against an invoice

  1. Locate and open the invoice in question.

    In the 'What do you want to do now?' panel click the text to 'View payments or process a payment receipt for invoice'


  2. On the right-hand side of screen, is a panel to process payment receipt.

    Populate the fields as applicable, and click the submit button.

    See image below for the full list of payment methods available to be recorded.


    Where (self) appears, this is indicative that the student processed their payment online via that payment gateway.

    Where (admin) appears, this is indicative that an administrator processed the payment via the specified gateway.

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