The master timetable allows you to locate all your timetable items - past, present and future.
Navigate to the Master Timetable
To navigate to the master timetable, select Manage > Timetables
Timetable Type Tabs
There are three tabs which separate your timetables by type;
Public Scheduled
Available for public bookings, these timetables have specific scheduled training dates -
Public Always Open
Available for public bookings, these timetables do not have scheduled training dates and can be completed in a self-paced fashion entirely online -
Private Scheduled
Linked to a specific corporate client, these timetables are not available to general public and have specific scheduled training dates
The page will remember which timetable view tab you last selected, and this will be automatically selected when you next return to the Master Timetable page.
Archive, Test and Live Timetables
By default when you open the master timetables, you will be viewing your live timetable items.
Timetables items which have been archived or that have been set to test dummy mode are hidden from the live timetable items view.
If you wish to view archived or test timetables, you can navigate to see these using the orange buttons
Search and Filters
There are a variety of search and filter tools to assist in locating a timetable item. Keep in mind the default date ranges stipulated below, as these will most likely require adjusting.
eg. if you are searching for public First Aid training in December 2019 and use the course code filter for HLTID003, this will show no results as the default date range is for 1 week previous. The date range should be adjusted, then the training history will display when using course code filter.
Search Box
This will search for text many fields of timetable, course and unit setup - admin descriptor of a timetable item, internal course & unit references and titles, pathway titles, salesperson/BDM and more.
Course & Unit Code/Title Filter
Providing a course or unit title or code will filter the timetable list view to display ONLY matches for your search term
Location Filter
Providing a location will filter the timetable list view so it displays only training at a specific location
Date Range Filter
The date range filter will display a six month range as default for private timetables, showing 2 months previous to today's date and four months into the future.
For public timetables the date range filter will display a two week range as default, showing 1 week previous to today's date and 1 week into the future.
Always Open timetables have no dates, thus no date range filter is available.
Timetable Details Summary
The timetable list will display a variety of summary details, and there are quick link buttons to perform actions against that timetable item.
- ID this is the unique identification number for the timetable item
- Start date the start date stipulated for the timetable item
- Status is the timetable in draft mode / closed for self-enrolments, or is it published / open for self-enrolments
- Type will display whether this is VET or Non-VET, a course or a unit, and if it is a short course (more than zero, but less than six practical session dates scheduled)
- Title displays title, venue location, unique admin description, pathway details and short course practical session details (if these are set up on page 1 of the timetable editor)
Client Organisation private schedule only
Corporate client name, co-ordinator name and department, course price and invoice status / invoices issued will display here -
Location private schedule only
Will display the suburb the training venue is located in - Admin Desc. will display anything in the free-text information box
- Pathways how many pathways are selected for this timetable. Will display in red if there are any pathway warnings which need to be addressed
- Sessions how many practical sessions are part of this timetable
- Price A will display the Price A recommended retail price (RRP) for this timetable item
- Enrolments/Places shows available places in the timetable, and how many of these are taken. The entire row will be shaded in red when the limit is reached. Will indicate how many enrolments are completed
Quick Link Buttons
Edit Timetable
Open the timetable editor and make changes to the timetable item
Manage Enrolments
Navigate to the manage enrolments screen, view list of enrolled students and other timetable functions
Share Link to Enrol
Click this to send a link to a prospective student they can enrol themselves into this timetable item
This will move the timetable out of the live timetable list, and into the archive timetable list
(quick link available for public timetables only)
Create more timetable items with the same details as this one
As an administrator manually enrol a student into this timetable item
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