When timetable items are put into a group, there are advanced enrolment functions which are available, such as auto-enrolling into more than one timetable or applying a maximum number of places to the group rather than a single timetable item.
How to Create a Group
- Navigate to the master timetable view (Manage > Timetables).
Grouping is available for Public timetables only - you cannot group private timetables. - Use the checkboxes to select the timetable items you wish to group together
- Click the 'group selected items' button in the top right of the page
- Name the group.
- Select the group attributes - these are the advanced enrolment functions that grouping enables!
NOTE: There are certain combinations of group attributes that are not compatible (ie. cannot be simultaneous enrolment AND cascading). When this happens you will get an error message.
Group Places Management
This function will set a maximum number of enrolments for the group, rather than setting a max number of enrolments for each individual timetable.
eg. grouping CPR and First Aid timetable items and enabling group places management to a maximum of 20 enrolments will allow enrolments into either timetable until 20 places are taken in total between these grouped timetables. This can be any combination, whether that is 10/10, 12/8 or 20/0 for example.
Simultaneous Enrolment Into ALL Group Items
This function will automatically enrol a student into all timetable items in the group when a student enrols into a single timetable item that is part of this group.
eg. to prevent a student from needing to enrol into multiple timetable items, create a group where they will only be required to complete an enrolment form once, and then be automatically enrolled into the grouped timetables as well.
Payments for Simultaneous Enrolments
Consider with your set up how you want students to place payment. It may be best to charge a combined total fee at point of enrolment, with the simultaneous enrolment being $0. Alternatively they can settle a separate enrolment fee for the simultaneous enrolment on logging into the student portal.Cascading Item Publishing/Auto Overflow When Full
This function will roll excess enrolments into another timetable item, or timetable group.
When the first timetable item in a group becomes full, it will roll enrolments into the next timetable item in the group automatically. Only one timetable will be published at any point in time, the other timetable items will remain in draft mode. Enrolments will follow the order defined in the order column. When the first timetable item becomes full, it will move back to draft mode so it no longer displays in the timetable widget, and the next one in the group will publish automatically.
Alternatively, you can also set cascading publishing at a group level, so that when a group fills up the enrolments will flow into another group.
- When finished making your selections, press SAVE
How to View a Group
Groups will be colour coded in alternating purple and green headers to distinguish between groups
The group header contains a summary of the group details.
- Group name and ID
- Admin Description - shows the group attributes (group enrol / group places / auto overflow)
There are three buttons to control the group, which you can access on the right side of the group header
- unpublish group - will move all timetable items into draft mode in a single click
- publish group - will publish all timetable items in a single click
- edit group - will open pop-up to edit the group details
How to Edit and Delete a Group
Remove a timetable from a group
Click the orange cross button next to that timetable item to delete the timetable from the group
Delete a group
NOTE: Deleting the group does not remove the timetable items, or any enrolments into the timetable item/s. Enrolments and timetables need to be individually deleted if required. Deleting a group simply removes the group structure and group attributes previously applied.
To delete a group click edit from the group header, and click the orange delete button at the bottom right of the pop-up.
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