How to Edit a Timetable Item
- Navigate to the master timetable via Manage > Timetables
- Locate the timetable item you wish to edit, either browsing the list or using the search filters
- Click the edit icon next to the timetable you want to edit
- Alternatively a timetable can be edited from the Manage Enrolments view, by clicking the 'edit timetable item' button in the top left of the page, under the timetable details
A timetable can also be edited from the booking editor, by clicking the 'edit timetable item' button
How to Delete a Timetable Item
In order to delete a timetable item, there cannot be any enrolments within it.
This includes archived enrolments or test dummy enrolments.
Once a timetable is deleted, it cannot be reinstated.
- Navigate to the edit timetable screen
- Click the orange 'delete' button in the bottom right corner of the screen
How to Archive a Timetable Item
Archiving a timetable helps to reduce visual clutter by moving it out of the live timetable item view, and into the archive view instead.
Archived timetables;
- ARE NOT visible in timetable widgets
- Are still eligible for enrolment via share link, or manually by admin
- Do not prevent the student from accessing and progressing with their enrolment
- Navigate to the edit timetable screen
- Click the blue 'archive' button in the bottom right corner of the screen
How to Un-Archive a Timetable Item
To move a timetable item from the archive view back into the live view, follow the same process as above.
Rather than 'archive' the button will say 'un-archive'.
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