Process: Delete a Booking

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  How to Delete a Booking?

While it is possible to delete a booking in Vasto, consider your responsibilities to retain student records when doing so. Options to Cancel, Withdraw, or Suspend a student may be more suitable.

In the event that you do need to completely delete a booking from Vasto, this would typically be removing test bookings processed by administrators, duplicate data, or perhaps students that never commenced learning.

Vasto enforces additional steps to delete bookings where a student has accessed their student portal and commenced study as a safeguard to prevent accidental deletion of active student records and data loss.

Deleting a booking is permanent, and deleted bookings cannot be restored.


How to Delete a Booking

  1. Navigate to the booking editor. See this help page for more instructions if needed.

  2.  Click the orange delete button or forced deletion button in the bottom right of the screen. 


  3. A pop-up will appear, confirming whether you are sure you would like to delete the booking. Select Yes.

  4. If successful, the booking is deleted and you will be directed to the Manage Enrolments screen

  5. If unsuccessful, an error message will present in the top right corner of the screen. 

  Note: If any student on the booking has commenced study and logged into the student portal, you will receive an error message

When a student has commenced, you will need to additionally set the booking to be a test/dummy booking before it can be deleted. By enforcing this additional step, this helps to prevent data loss where there are learning records for a student. 

See this help page for instructions on how to set a booking to test/dummy mode.

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