3. Template text tab

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VET Student Information Form Introduction

Enter the text for students to see when completing their VET form, as part of the student enrolment process (for VET courses only). 

This text will appear to the student just above the VET fields, and serves as an explanation to the student about why this information is required and what it is used for.


Training Plan Documents


To edit default text applied to pages 3 and 4 of a training plan document, go to SETUP > SYSTEM DEFAULTS > TEMPLATE TEXT. Look for the section entitled "Training Plan Documents".

All other dynamic data on the Training Plans will be drawn in from the student profiles, enrolment data define in Advanced Student Editor and current results and/or training plan info entered in Progress Tracker or Unit Outcome Editor.

Training materials, resources, facilities & supervision

You can copy paste into this section from your training plan documents, as well as add, edit and remove if needed.


On-The-Job Training


Articles in this section

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