4. RPL Settings

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Recognised Prior Learning (RPL)

1. Where you have set a course to allow RPL, students will have the option to complete an RPL claim process. Define your organisations process here. 

This cannot be left blank

If including hyperlinks, be sure to include the http:// prefix

Constituent units of the course for which accept RPL will be listed below this text.


2. Indicate who can verify and validate RPL claims - Currently only ADMIN can do this.

3. OPTIONAL: Enter text to appear for students when they open a course for which an RPL claim is pending assessment.

4. OPTIONAL: Enter text for students to read when they begin an RPL claim. NOTE: This is the default text only. It can be overridden at course or unit level by selecting the RPL tab page of the course or unit specifications.

5. OPTIONAL: Provide documents for students to use in preparing their RPL claim (e.g. forms, explanatory documents, etc) NOTE: These are default files only. They can be overridden at course or unit level by selecting the RPL tab page of the course or unit specifications.


Recognition of Prior Learning is covered in detail on the RPL page, including detail about the RPL options on this System Defaults page.

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