9. Training workflows

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Timetabling Preferences

Enable optional associated organisation fields on PUBLIC timetable items. This causes all bookings thereof to automatically acquire the specified organisation and coordinator assignment if defined.


If you define an org on a public timetable item, any booking on that will pick up the employer or organisation details. NOTE: If you leave it blank it doesn't do anything. by default, it is turned off and needs to be explicity turned on through the workflows tickbox. 



Printed Attendance Pages

Show a field for students to physically sign printable class attendace list (hide student contact details)



Trainer Portal Class View

Turning this on makes it so that in the trainer portal class view, in the Unit Activities column, it only shows Vasto exam activity types.



Certificate Production Preferences

If any warnings appear, the GENERATE button on the certificate production queue will be greyed out and tick boxes for bulk actions will be disabled (for all but the primary admin user). tick the box under Certificate Production Preferences: Disallow certificate generation to all but the primary user on my account if there are unresolved warnings regarding USI, payment or certificate templates


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