Collecting payments at initial enrolment
You have the option to enable various collection of payments at initial enrolment.
1. This setting applies to short courses only - a timetable item for a single unit of competency.
Enabling this option will require that the full enrolment fee (Price A) is paid at time of enrolment. If a student is enrolled by admin and the booking fee is NOT paid, it will be sent as a payment request to the student portal, and they will be blocked from accessing their course until the outstanding payment is settled.
With this option disabled, irrespective of the booking payment status (ie. with an unpaid or partial paid status) a student will be able to open their course and access their learning content. Assessment items remain locked until payment in full has been made.
Enrolment Acknowledgements & Declarations
Custom statements can be added to the student online self-enrolment form. A student enrolling online must check the box to agree with all statements to successfully complete an online enrolment.
These are generally added to formally have a student acknowledge or declare that they have read through and understand key information, such as Enrolment Terms & Conditions, a Cancellation Policy or state that they are in good health to attend a classroom environment.
What Will an Enrolment Acknowledgement of Declaration Look Like For a Student?
When completing the online enrolment form, any acknowledgements or declarations which have been set up will display as a check box at the end of the training enrolment form.
How To Add an Enrolment Acknowledgement or Declaration
- Under the Enrolment Acknowledgements & Declarations heading, type your desired statement into the empty text box where it prompts you to add new tick box.
- Once you have typed in the desired statement, click the add button
- You will see that an acknowledgement or declaration has been created successfully, as they will populate into the list
How To Delete an Enrolment Acknowledgement or Declaration
To remove an unwanted enrolment acknowledge or declaration, click the orange cross button
Things to Note About Enrolment Acknowledgements & Declarations
- There is no limit to the number of enrolment acknowledgements and declarations that you can add to the online enrolment form
- Agreeing with all enrolment acknowledgements and declarations is compulsory. Each statement must be ticked in order to successfully complete an enrolment online - students will be unable to successfully submit their enrolment form if any are left unticked
- Enrolment acknowledgements and declarations are universal, and will appear on the online enrolment form for every course and unit
- Where a link is included in the statement text, and the link includes the http:// at the beginning, the link will automatically display as a clickable text item with the tooltip text pictured below
Enrolment Form Custom Fields
You can now further customise your enrolment form.
Add custom fields to collect additional data (collected data will be displayed in the bottom section of PROGRESS TRACKER)
Enrolment Form Standard Fields Activation
Optionally remove PO and/or VOUCHER CODE fields short courses and or long courses.
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