3. Timetabling virtual classrooms

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How to timetable using virtual classrooms 

To create and schedule a virtual training timetabled item, the process is nearly the same to creating any other timetabled instance. The differences are around the scheduling of session(s). You can schedule a timetabled item with a virtual training room by reviewing the video at the bottom of the page.

Sessions for the virtual timetabled item are not recorded on page 1 of a timetabled item setup, even if there are less than 6 sessions applied. These need to be set against the activity, on page 2 of scheduling a timetabled item. Do NOT set session on page 1 (see below).



On page 2 of the timetabled item, select the appropriate pathway then click the sessions button on the right hand side.




Select the radio button for require enrolled students to attend ALL sessions then click on add session.




Add in the session details, including date, time, venue - which must be the previously created virtual classroom / training room, the trainer, available places if applicable and then select the trainer tasks required. If you need to make additional sessions at this point, utilise the cloning options on the bottom of screen. Once this is done, click add.




You will then have confirmation of the session(s) created. Click the close button.




You will have a visual reference to the number of sessions created. From here, the rest of the timetable process, such as publishing the timetabled item and taking enrolments is the same.



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