Student view of virtual classrooms / training
When logged into the student portal, and virtual sessions have been assigned, upon clicking into the training course itself...
The student will then view information pertaining to their upcoming virtual classrooms. As shown in the screenshot below, the subject column derives its content from the title you have applied to the practical session at activity level (refer step 2). The sessions are colour coded whereby RED sessions are those which have passed, GREEN are those running today, and GREY are future dated. You'll note that the student has access to past recorded sessions (where the trainer has recorded and uploaded) for their review at any point. The link for the virtual classroom only becomes open on the day of the course to prevent students from logging in incorrectly. The link for future dated courses only show when that date is today's date.
Upon clicking on the link for a 'now open' virtual classroom, the student is taken into the virtual classroom where training is facilitated to the student in an electronic environment.
For additional information, please review the below video.
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