Enquiry Widget

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In combination with an Enquiry Widget, the Enquiries Manager allows you to receive, be notified of and manage new web enquiries from prospective customers with their details recorded directly into Vasto.

Enquiries can be tracked and notes recorded as they are followed up through your internal processes.

What is a widget?

widget is web frame which you can create in the Vasto system, and then install on your website. An enquiry widget allows a prospective customer to submit an enquiry via a web form.

NOTE: Widgets are a paid additional feature.


How to Create an Enquiry Widget

In order to receive enquiries, an enquiry widget should be created and placed on your website.

  1. Navigate to Connect > Widgets

  2. In the Add a Widget section on the left of screen, select Enquiry form from the drop down menu

  3. Provide a Unique Name for this widget. This is for admin reference only, it is not displayed anywhere on the widget. It is intended to help an admin user identify the widget from the widget collection.

  4. Once you have selected the widget type and provided a unique name, click continue.


The widget editor is now open on the right side of screen, where you can customise your widget display and settings.


Widget Editor Settings


Type & Unique name - these cannot be edited, but are displayed.

Brand - if using sub-brands, select which brand enquiries should be associated with.

Display title - this text will appear at the top of the widget frame, and will be visible to anyone viewing the widget on your website. Leave blank if you do not want to use a title.

Size - If you are using iFrame code to install the widget on your website, choose the size of the widget in pixels, horizontally (width) and vertically (height). 


Fields to show - select which data fields you would like the widget to request as part of the enquiry.

Enquiry type selector - asks the person submitting an enquiry to select from a drop down menu to categorise it as general, training, sales, support or feedback. 

Course selector - asks the person submitting an enquiry to select from a drop down menu which course their enquiry is related to. Options for no specific course and I'm not sure also provided.

In order for a course to appear in this drop down list, it must be added as an available selection.

Click edit values here and a pop-up will open listing all Vasto courses, check against those you wish to show in the drop down menu for this enquiry widget.

Save your selections.




Email submissions to - populate an email address where a copy of all enquiries will be forwarded to.

Show border - display a border around the perimeter of the widget frame.

Show title - display the widget title in the widget itself.

Enable recaptcha - before submitting an enquiry require proof of human submission (via a check box) to help reduce spam enquiries.


When you are finished, click Save.



Preview Widget

At the bottom of the widget editor, there is a preview button. 


Click this to 'preview' what the enquiry widget would look like and see how it will display.

Make sure that you have saved any changes to apply your settings to the rendered preview. 


A pop-up will open which is fully interactive and allows you to preview exactly how the widget would look when installed on your website.

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