Error Clean-up Tools - Fix Incorrect or Missing USI's

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The USI Workbench page lists all students enrolled in a VET course or unit, who have missing or incorrect USI details. 

NOTE: You must set up your AUSkey details correctly before you can successfully use this function.


How to Identify and Understand USI Errors with USI Workbench

1. Navigate to Manage > USI Workbench

2. Check that USI is connected - a green confirmation will display at the top of the page
If a red warning message is displayed here, ensure that you have connected to USI web services and configured your Vasto account for USI verification. For more information see this help page.   

If a red warning message is displaying here AND you have previously connected to USI web services and  configured USI verification in Vasto;
A) Check the USI webpage for details of any planned outages
B) If there is no information about outages, submit a help ticket

3. You may wish to search for a specific student by providing their surname and clicking the magnifying glass icon to run the search.

To use any of the two filter options, check the box for the filter you wish to apply and click the refresh button to update the search results. 


4. A list will populate containing summary information of any student with missing or incorrect USI information. mceclip3.pngImportantly, the status column will provide further details as to what the error is.

    • DOB mismatch - date of birth recorded in Vasto does not match the DOB recorded on their USI profile
    • First name mismatch - first name recorded in Vasto does not match the name recorded on their USI profile
    • Surname mismatch - surname recorded in Vasto does not match the surname recorded on their USI profile
    • Incorrect USI - the USI recorded in Vasto is incorrect
    • USI wrong length - all USI's are ten characters in length, USI recorded in Vasto may be too short or too long
    • Not supplied / Required now - No USI is recorded in Vasto

5. To quickly resolve a USI error, click the update button in the update status column  


6. Edit the required fields, and click the save button

Contact A Student Regarding Missing or Incorrect USI Information

If you are unsure of the correct details and need to contact the student for their correct USI information, this can be done quickly from the USI Workbench.

  1. Click the update button in the update status column  

  2. Utilise option 2 to send a message to the student. 

    The default message requests they log into their portal and update their details. Should you wish to provide alternative instruction, simply edit the template.

    If you wish to permanently edit the template, check the box at the bottom of the text box.

    Once satisfied with the message template, click the send button.


  3. The date of the latest reminder sent to the student, will appear in the last reminder column

Bulk Contact Students Regarding Missing or Incorrect USI Information

Using the USI Workbench, you can send reminders in bulk to many students in the same action. 

  1. Sect the students who you want to send a reminder to.
    Either use the check box in the select column to select individual students;

    Alternatively, select in bulk by using the select all button located at the bottom of the page

  2. Also located at the bottom of the page, next click the apply to selected... button

  3. The bulk action pop up displays a default message.

    If you wish to permanently edit the template, check the box at the bottom of the text box to remember the changes. This will overwrite the default message and save your custom message for future use.

    If required the remembered custom text can be reset to the default message with the reset to standard message button.

  4. Once satisfied with the message, click the button to send to selected students

Clear USI Warnings in the USI Workbench

It is possible to clear or 'ignore' an invalid USI alert. Use this feature with caution - it will remove the student from the error list permanently. 

In addition, the student will no longer be prompted to provide their USI in their student portal. If the account setting to prevent a student from accessing learning materials until a valid USI is provided has been enabled, they will be allowed to access their course without providing a valid USI. 

Ignoring an invalid USI alert will not prevent it from returning an error for AVETMISS reporting when submitted to NCVER or State Reporting Authorities. 


Clear Invalid or Missing USI Warning for Individual Student

  1. Click the update... button in the update data column for the relevant student 

  2. In the bottom right corner of the pop-up, click the button to ignore invalid USI alert

Clear Invalid or Missing USI Warnings in Bulk

  1. Sect the students who you want to ignore the warning for.
    Either use the check box in the select column to select individual students;

    Alternatively, select in bulk by using the select all button located at the bottom of the page

  2. Located at the bottom of the page, next click the apply to selected... button
  3. In the bottom right corner of the bulk action pop up, click the button to ignore selected invalid USI alerts

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