Submit AVETMISS report data to NCVER

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If submitting your data nationally to NCVER, refer to the process below for submitting your data - and obtaining a detailed error report if applicable. 

When submitting a help ticket pertaining to AVETMISS reporting errors, please attach both the NAT file submitted and the detailed error report associated with that data.


How to Obtain an Error Report from NCVER

  1. Visit the NCVER website and sign in using your RTO's username and password

  2. Click the New Collection button

  3. Provide the collection details in the boxes below
    Organisations: Choose your RTO name (select from the dropdown menu)
    Type: VET provider collection (select from the dropdown menu)
    Year: Choose the year that you have generated the data for
    Period: For yearly collection, choose Jan-Dec

  4. Click button to add files, and upload the ZIP file generated in the AVETMISS report generator

  5. Next, click button to upload files and upload your AVETMISS report NAT file

  6. Click the validate button

  7. If the status column returns any errors, these will need to be resolved before you will be able to submit your data successfully. 

    Click the button to export details.

    This should automatically download an Excel CSV file titled detailed report which contains the details of what the existing errors are.

    You will need to attach this detailed report with any help tickets regarding AVETMISS errors. 


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