An Introduction to Certificate Types

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A qualification is awarded when a student completes all of the units of competency as per the training package rules or designated inside the course specifications. 

The system will issue 2 pages, the front page will be the qualification page with the course title and name - the second page will be the statement of results/record of results which included the units of competency that the student had achieved or attained.


Statement of Attainments

These are issued for a stand-alone unit or multiple units that are on RTO's implicit scope.


This means these units would be marked on RTO Scope under the units of competency heading.

If the unit is not listed under the units of competency heading on then the unit would be coming from the qualification and would be known as a transitory statement of attainment.



Transitory statements of attainment

The transfer statement of attainment is when a student completes part of a qualification but not the whole qualification. For example the certificate four in training and assessment has 10 units of competency. If a student completed four units of competency and they have not satisfy the qualification and would be issued a transitory statement of attainment which would bear the text (in partial completion of TAE40116 certificate IV in training and assessment) it would look the same as a normal statement of attainment however would have the governing line as mentioned above in order to allow the follow back to the RTO is scope and how they have the ability to issue this unit because was not on their implicit scope .

By knowing that it is a transitory Statement of Attainment it tells you that they were enrolled into a full qualification and only received units of competency from a qualification not the full qualification.



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