Display Info
1. Document Type and Settings
Choose the document type:
Statement of Attainment
Statement of Activity Completion
Confirmation of Course Completion
Confirmation of Attendance
Statement of Attendance
Show certificate type title: This displays the document type (above) as a heading at the top of the certificate:
Show type-specific wording: This option will alter the wording of the certificate, to match the document type you choose (see above).
2. Explanatory Text
Up to 3 lines of text can be inserted into the certificate. This text will be inserted after the certificate issue date:
3. Training Entity Information
Choose which fields, relating to your organisation, are displayed on the certificate.
If you haven't already added this information to your Vasto account, you must add them using the My Account page, if you want them to display on certificates.
Check (SETUP > MY ACCOUNT) for information that has been entered about your organisation that will appear on the certificate.
Possible fields:
4. Certificate Fields
Choose which other fields are included on the certificate.
Possible fields:
Unique certificate number: This number is different for every certificate generated, and can be added for authenticity reasons.
Expiry date (if applicable): Certain qualifications expire, and need to be updated. If the qualification has an expiry date, you can choose to show it on the certificate.
Student USI: This feature includes the student's USI number on their certificate.
See the USI page for more information about USI and its implementation.
Full course title (applicable to transitory certs only):
Dates(s) of attended sessions(s):
Issue date: The date the certificate was generated and sent to the student.
Completion Date: The date when the student completed their unit, or the last unit in their course.
Unique Student ID (Internal):
Optional Additional Fields
Internal Reference: Tick the checkbox and enter data into the Custom Label field.
Custom Fields 1: Tick the checkbox and enter Field name, Custom label.
Custom Field 2: Tick the checkbox and enter Field name, Custom Label.
Authorised signature: This feature allows you to add a digital signature from a company representative to the student's certificate.
Page 2 - Statement of Results (courses only): This feature generates a certificate with the student's course results on the reverse side. This feature only applies to certificates at course level, and not to individual units.
5. Certificate Features
You will need to set the following features:
Signature: Allocate the signature to apply to the certificate.
QR Code: Verify Document (QR code) placement
Page 2 - Statement of Results
Double-sided printing- Even pages upside-down in Print View
Notes on QR Codes
Subscribers can now add a QR CODE to their certificates to enable anyone to electronically verify that the certificate is legitimate, current and accurate.
In your certificate template editor, click to the DISPLAY INFO tab.
Tick the box Verify Document (QR code). Then select your placement option. You can choose to display the QR code on the front page of the certificate (where precise placement can be tweaked using the ADVANCED ELEMENT POSITIONING tool) or on the STATEMENT OF RESULTS page where this exists for a given certificate.
When someone scans the QR code using a bar-code scanning app on their internet-enabled phone or tablet device, a web page will display which indicates where the certificate is valid and provides basic details such as issuer, student name, certificate date, expiry date(if applicable) and the name of the main course or unit if it is a non-transitory type certificate a list of unit titles if it is a transitional certificate.
6. Adding supplementary pages
This allows you to add in additional pages to your certificates, for example a fixed image or secondary page that may be required by your business methodology. The premise on certification creation for supplementary pages is the same, although with reduced options.
7. View Certificate - Advanced Element Positioning
The Advanced Element Positioning function lets you choose where you want each of the certificate's text elements (such as the student's name, the course title and any other wording) to be placed on the certificate. You have complete freedom (within the confines of the page) to place each text element wherever you like. You can click and drag these elements around the page, and when you are happy with where they're placed, you can save your configuration.
Important: Before you use this tool, you should save any template changes and refresh the page. This will make sure the Advanced Element Positioning function is using the latest information about which fields you want to include in the certificate.
Note: The placement of elements in this editor is approximate only - they may appear slightly different in the finished certificate. We recommend you generate a test certificate to check the look of the template before using it for real students.
a. Advanced Element Positioning
With the Display Info tab selected, click the blue Advanced Element Positioning button at the bottom of the page.
b. Position Elements
The editor will now display all the elements you have enabled in the template settings, and will allow you to move them to their desired position.
Note: If a field you want to include isn't visible in the editor, you should exit the editor, re-save your certificate preferences and open the editor again.
Click and drag any desired elements to move them. Any text surrounded by a dotted line is a certificate element, and can be positioned. Elements can't be dragged beyond the left margin of the page.
To change the alignment of the text inside each element, click the L button to left-align the text, and the C button to centre-align the text.
c. Check Margins
Any fields that are too close to the bottom of the screen will automatically create a second certificate page, when you only want a single page certificate. Best to leave a margin of about 1-2 centimeters at the bottom of the cert where no dynamically inserted elements should be positioned.
d. When you are finished, SAVE any changes and then close the editor.
e. Background Preview
Use this area to view your background artwork.
To view the actual certificate template, allocate it to a course in the CERTS tab, and preview it. MY COURSES> COURSES> Select the course, CERTS tab
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